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 《Tang Bohu: Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun》 introduce

Tang Bohu, the first talented person in Jiangnan, threw thousands of dollars for the beloved woman Taobao on a night of being a flower queen, but was humiliated by a mysterious man who offered him a large sum of money. In order to vent his anger, Tang Bohu teamed up with his friend Zhu Zhishan to beat him up. But afterwards, he was wanted by the whole city! The mysterious man who was beaten was the emperor who came out of the palace in humble clothes! In order to avoid being hunted down, Tang Bohu was forced to disguise himself as a eunuch and lie dormant beside the emperor under the arrangement of his mortal enemy Song An. However, he was inexplicably involved in the rebellion of Feng Da, the king of southern Fujian. Watching the emperor step by step enter the beauty trap designed by Feng Da, Tang Bohu and others were furious. Although they knew that the evidence of rebellion was hidden in a"Cattle Herding Map," they were still unable to crack it. Finally, with the help of Song An and Tao Bao, Tang Bohu finally cracked the secret of"The Painting of Herding Cattle", and successfully changed the sky and turned the tide of battle!

 《唐伯虎之偷天換日》 繁體簡介

江南第一才子唐伯虎在一次花魁之夜中為心儀女子桃寶一擲千金,卻被某神秘男子出重金羞辱,為了出氣唐伯虎聯合好友祝枝山將其痛扁一頓。 可事後竟被全城通緝! 原來被打的神秘男子,正是微服出宮的皇上! 為了躲避追捕,唐伯虎在死敵宋安的安排下,被迫偽裝成太監蟄伏於皇帝的身邊,卻又莫名其妙被捲入了閩南王馮達的造反事件。 眼看著皇帝一步一步走進馮達設計的美人陷阱,唐伯虎等人心急如焚,雖然明知造反的證據竟然隱藏在一張《牧牛圖》之中,但卻一直無法破解。 最後,在宋安和桃寶的幫助下,唐伯虎終於破解《牧牛圖》的秘密,並成功偷天換日,扭轉戰局!


公元 2021年,由 王泽丰 等老师负责剧本编写,叶念琛导演负责制作,孙耀威,吴启华,黄一山,翁虹,刘锡明,李耀景 等明星实力参演的 剧情片《唐伯虎之偷天换日》,此影片于2021-07-26(中国大陆)上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

iDC影视于 2021-12-02 08:59:54整理收录此片,并在 2024-04-13 05:06:53再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《唐伯虎之偷天换日》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:唐伯虎之偷天换日唐伯虎之偷天换日在线观看唐伯虎之偷天换日免费观看唐伯虎之偷天换日百度云唐伯虎之偷天换日下载 等。
