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天赋异禀的结巴少年秦风(刘昊然 饰)警校落榜,被姥姥遣送泰国找远房表舅——号称“唐人街第一神探”,实则猥琐的大叔唐仁(王宝强 饰)散心。不想一夜花天酒地后,唐仁沦为离奇凶案嫌疑人,不得不和秦风亡命天涯……穷追不舍的警探黄兰登(陈赫 饰)、无敌幸运的警察坤泰(肖央 饰)、穷凶极恶的匪帮三人组、高深莫测的唐人街教父、美艳风骚的老板娘阿香(佟丽娅 饰)等悉数登场!七天!唐仁、秦风必须取长补短、同仇敌忾!他们能否躲避警察追捕、匪帮追杀、黑帮围剿,在短短七天内,完成找到失落的黄金并查明真凶,为自己洗清罪名这些逆天的任务?收起


 《Chinatown Detective》 introduce

Qin Feng (Liu Haoran), a gifted stuttering teenager, failed in the police academy and was sent to Thailand by Grandma to find his distant cousin, known as the"No.1 Detective in Chinatown". In fact, the obscene uncle Tang Ren (Wang Baoqiang) was distracted. After not wanting to spend a night indulging in extravagance and drunkenness, Tang Ren became a suspect in a bizarre murder case, and had to go to hell with Qin Feng... the relentless pursuit of Detective Huang Langdeng (Chen He), the invincible and lucky police Kuntai (Xiao Yang), the vicious gang trio, the enigmatic Chinatown godfather, and the beautiful and charming landlady Ah Xiang (Tong Liya) all appeared on the stage! Seven days! Tang Ren and Qin Feng must learn from each other's strong points to make up for their weaknesses and share a common hatred! Can they evade police pursuit, gang pursuit, and gang encirclement and suppression, and complete the tasks of finding the lost gold, identifying the real culprit, and clearing their own crimes in just seven days?

 《唐人街探案》 繁體簡介

天賦異稟的結巴少年秦風(劉昊然飾)警校落榜,被外婆遣送泰國找遠房表舅——號稱“唐人街第一神探”,實則猥瑣的大叔唐仁(王寶強飾)散心。 不想一夜花天酒地後,唐仁淪為離奇凶案嫌疑人,不得不和秦風亡命天涯……窮追不捨的警探黃蘭登(陳赫飾)、無敵幸運的警詧坤泰(肖央飾)、窮凶極惡的匪幫三人組、高深莫測的唐人街教父、美豔風騷的老闆娘阿香(佟麗婭飾)等悉數登場! 七天! 唐仁、秦風必須取長補短、同仇敵愾! 他們能否躲避警詧追捕、匪幫追殺、黑幫圍剿,在短短七天內,完成找到失落的黃金並查明真凶,為自己洗清罪名這些逆天的任務?


公元 2015年,由 陈思诚,程佳客,刘凯,白鹤 等老师负责剧本编写,陈思诚导演负责制作,王宝强,刘昊然,佟丽娅,陈赫,肖央,小沈阳,潘粤明,马浴柯,张子枫,赵英俊,桑平,金士杰,大鹏,张国强,李叶青,陈祉希,戴墨 等明星实力参演的 喜剧片《唐人街探案》,此影片于2015-12-31上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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