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 《Journey to the West: Red Boy》 introduce

Five hundred years ago, the monkey Monkey Sun Wukong caused a disturbance in the Heavenly Palace and accidentally kicked over the Eight Diagrams Furnace, causing the Heavenly Fire to descend. Princess Iron Fan tried her best to suppress the sky fire in order to save the common people, but the red child in her belly was eroded by the Samadhi true fire of the Eight Diagrams Furnace and became a demon child. On the occasion of the Iron Fan Millennium Birthday Dinner, Red Boy has been searching for worldly treasures for her mother. I heard that the scripture gathering team was passing by and was encouraged by the Wolf Monster to rob Tang Monk. During the battle between Red Boy and Sun Wukong, the Cang Wolf Monster designed to trap the two inside the Eight Diagrams Furnace. Originally, the Cang Wolf Monster's family members were killed in the sky fire when they were young, so they waited for an opportunity to avenge Sun Wukong. Surprisingly, the conspiracy of the Cang Wolf Monster caused the people of Huoyun Village to encounter mountain fire again and fall into danger. The Red Child became a demon and incarnated as the Flame Giant. The Iron Fan Princess spoke the truth, using her final magic power to save the lives of the world, and took out a drop of nectar given by the Bodhisattva. At this moment, Sun Wukong suddenly realized the Buddha's Dharma, understood the cause and effect karma, and all the sources were in him. He decided to sacrifice himself and take the nectar to the Flame Giant.

 《西遊記紅孩兒》 繁體簡介

五百年前,妖猴孫悟空大鬧天宮,意外踢翻八卦爐導致天火降世。 鐵扇公主為救蒼生,竭盡全力壓制天火,但她腹中的紅孩兒卻被八卦爐的三昧真火侵蝕,成了魔童。 鐵扇千禧壽宴之際,紅孩兒一直為母親尋世間珍寶。 聽聞取經團隊經過,被蒼狼怪慫恿去搶唐僧。 就在紅孩兒和孫悟空大戰之時,蒼狼怪設計將二人困於八卦爐之內,原來蒼狼怪幼時家人在天火中喪生,故伺機向孫悟空復仇。 令人意想不到的是,蒼狼怪的陰謀使得火雲村百姓再次遭遇山火陷入危難之中。 紅孩兒成魔,化身火焰巨人,鐵扇公主說出真相,用最後的法力去拯救蒼生,拿出菩薩給的一滴甘露,此時孫悟空頓悟佛法,明了因果業障,一切的源頭都在自己,决定自我犧牲,拿著甘露走向火焰巨人。


公元 2021年,由 刘由由,大秦,屈梦柳,廖依 等老师负责剧本编写,熊琛导演负责制作,徐冬冬,籍皓,许绍雄,西门飘飘,李延,吴晓龙,庄其迁,徐欢 等明星实力参演的 喜剧片《西游记红孩儿》,此影片于2021-10-20上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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