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身为世人心目中救世主一样的灵明石猴(周柏豪 饰),因为曾经给过绝望中的小女孩巴海星(柴蔚 饰)一丝希望却没有兑现,而让她深深牵挂。多年之后,在与三眼战神的激战中,灵明石猴被打破金身堕入凡尘,却意外与巴海星重逢。失去神力,历经情劫的灵明石猴,在木神句芒(李帅 饰)祸乱人间的阴谋下,将如何实现自我救赎?收起


 《Mixed four monkeys: the return of the divine monkey》 introduce

As the savior of the world, the Lingming stone monkey (Zhou Baihao is acted the role of), because once gave the desperate little girl Ba Haixing (Chai Wei acted the role of) a glimmer of hope has not been fulfilled, and let her deeply concerned. Many years later, in the fierce battle with the three-eyed god of war, the Lingming stone monkey was broken and fell into the world, but was unexpectedly reunited with Ba starfish. Lost divine power, experienced emotional robbery of the Lingming stone monkey, in the wooden god sentence Mang (Li Shuai is acted the role of) the plot of disaster in the world, how to achieve self-redemption?

 《混世四猴:神猴歸來》 繁體簡介

身為世人心目中救世主一樣的靈明石猴(周柏豪 飾),因為曾經給過絕望中的小女孩巴海星(柴蔚 飾)一絲希望卻沒有兌現,而讓她深深牽掛。多年之後,在與三眼戰神的激戰中,靈明石猴被打破金身墮入凡塵,卻意外與巴海星重逢。失去神力,歷經情劫的靈明石猴,在木神句芒(李帥 飾)禍亂人間的陰謀下,將如何實現自我救贖?


公元 2021年,由 编剧内详/暂未更新 等老师负责剧本编写,李伟基导演负责制作,周柏豪,,柴蔚,苑琼丹,马启光,张又玮,姿娜 等明星实力参演的 动画片《混世四猴:神猴归来》,此影片于2021-02-06上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

iDC影视于 2021-12-02 00:10:17整理收录此片,并在 2024-04-13 02:41:32再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《混世四猴:神猴归来》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:混世四猴:神猴归来混世四猴:神猴归来在线观看混世四猴:神猴归来免费观看混世四猴:神猴归来百度云混世四猴:神猴归来下载 等。
