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唐明皇李隆基(严俊 饰)宠幸绝世美女杨玉环(李丽华 饰),杨家一人得道,鸡犬升天,丞相杨国忠(杨志卿 饰)搬权弄势,贪婪骄纵;杨家姐妹铺张奢华,不可一世。“虽教天下父母心,不重生男重生女”。唐明皇偷偷宠幸梅妃(李香君 饰),惹恼杨贵妃,杨怒而厮打梅妃,并摔碎宫中珍器。皇帝一怒之下,将其逐出宫去。杨国忠百般劝解,玉环不愿复归皇宫。经杨国忠与高力士从中斡旋,明皇心有悔意,对爱妃更是百般思念,虽默许将杨玉环接回宫中。二人如胶似漆,更胜从前。时大唐王朝国运将终,在内德政不兴,百姓怨声载道;外有节度使重兵在握,图谋不轨。安禄山率先揭竿而起,杨国忠一味推诿阻挠,遂使大厦将倾……  本片荣获1962年第一届台湾金马奖优秀作品奖及录音编辑奖、第十五届戛纳电影节最佳室内彩色摄影奖。收起




 《favorite concubine of emperor Minghuang》 introduce

Emperor Ming of Tang, Li Longji (played by Yan Jun), dotes on the peerless beauty Yang Yuhuan (played by Li Lihua). The Yang family wins the throne alone, and the rooster and dog ascend to heaven. Prime Minister Yang Guozhong (played by Yang Zhiqing) moves power and becomes arrogant and greedy; The sisters of the Yang family are extravagant and luxurious. Although teaching the hearts of parents in the world, never give birth to a man or a woman again. Emperor Ming of Tang secretly favored Concubine Mei (played by Li Xiangjun), angering Concubine Yang. Yang became angry and fought against Concubine Mei, shattering precious artifacts in the palace. In a fit of anger, the emperor expelled him from the palace. Yang Guozhong tried every means to persuade, but Yuhuan refused to return to the palace. Through the mediation of Yang Guozhong and Gao Lishi, Emperor Ming felt regretful and missed his beloved concubine in every way, even though he tacitly agreed to bring Yang Yuhuan back to the palace. The two are like glue, even better than before. At that time, the national fortune of the Tang Dynasty was about to come to an end, and internal moral governance was not flourishing, and the people were filled with complaints; Outside, there is a commanding officer with a heavy army in hand, with ulterior motives. An Lushan was the first to rise up, but Yang Guozhong kept evading and obstructing, causing the mansion to tiltThis film won the Outstanding Work Award and Recording Editing Award at the First Taiwan Golden Horse Awards in 1962, as well as the Best Indoor Color Photography Award at the 15th Cannes Film Festival.

 《楊貴妃》 繁體簡介

唐明皇李隆基(嚴俊飾)寵倖絕世美女楊玉環(李麗華飾),楊家一人得道,雞犬升天,丞相楊國忠(楊志卿飾)搬權弄勢,貪婪驕縱; 楊家姐妹鋪張奢華,不可一世。 “雖教天下父母心,不重生男重生女”。 唐明皇偷偷寵倖梅妃(李香君飾),惹惱楊貴妃,楊怒而厮打梅妃,並摔碎宮中珍器。 皇帝一怒之下,將其逐出宮去。 楊國忠百般勸解,玉環不願複歸皇宮。 經楊國忠與高力士從中斡旋,明皇心有悔意,對愛妃更是百般思念,雖默許將楊玉環接回宮中。 二人如膠似漆,更勝從前。 時大唐王朝國運將終,在內德政不興,百姓怨聲載道; 外有節度使重兵在握,圖謀不軌。 安祿山率先揭竿而起,楊國忠一味推諉阻撓,遂使大廈將傾……本片榮獲1962年第一届臺灣金馬獎優秀作品獎及錄音編輯獎、第十五届戛納電影節最佳室內彩色攝影獎。


公元 1962年,由 王植波 等老师负责剧本编写,李翰祥导演负责制作,严俊,李丽华,李香君,杨志卿 等明星实力参演的 剧情片《杨贵妃》,此影片于1962-05-31上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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