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电影《憨爸》是由乐影盟出品,福建西窗影业联合出品并承制,邓象平出品、知名青年导演杨木生执导的一部亲情伦理剧情长片。影片主要讲述的是养父刘老实带养女刘小花千里跋山涉水、翻山越岭的寻亲故事,该片通过两个小人物的曲折寻亲路,折射出人性、亲情、伦理和社会现实问题。 南方的某个城市,有一个靠踩三轮自行车拉客为生的师傅叫刘老实,他今年五十几岁了,女儿刘小花八岁,刚刚上二年级。刘小花是刘老实当年从垃圾桶里回来的女婴,自从老伴去世后,他和女儿相依为命,每个月靠着低微的收入支撑着两人的日常生活以及女儿的学费花销。 每天傍晚,刘老实都会在女儿下课时,骑着三轮车把女儿载到自己“工作的地方”,然后继续骑车拉客赚钱,而乖巧的女儿也每天都会在这个时候自己撑起小桌板认真地做作业。尽管他们收入低微,生活拮据,可父女之间的亲情却是彼此温暖的依靠。 然而,上天不遂人愿,有一天医生告诉刘老实,他得了重症,面对着高额的治疗费用,这个家庭根本承担不起。刘老实想到自己将不久于人世,陷入痛苦:自己走了之后,年幼的小花该怎么办?最终,他决定带着孩子去找她的亲生父母。 如果说血融于水,那么这么多年来养父对女儿的养育之恩早已远远的浓于这份亲情。刘老实舍不得女儿离开自己,可比起这份不舍,孩子的以后更加重要。于是年迈的养父带着女儿开始了寻亲之旅,不料,途中女儿却遭人贩子诱拐……收起


 《Han Dad》 introduce

The film"Han Dad" is a family and ethical drama feature film produced by the Music Film Alliance, jointly produced and produced by Fujian Xichuang Film Industry, produced by Deng Xiangping and directed by well-known young director Yang Musheng. The film mainly tells the story of adoptive father Liu Chengcheng and adoptive daughter Liu Xiaohua, who travel thousands of miles, wading through mountains and rivers, and crossing mountains and mountains in search of relatives. Through the tortuous path of two small characters, the film reflects human nature, kinship, ethics, and social reality issues.In a city in the south, there is a master named Liu Chengcheng who makes a living by riding a tricycle to attract customers. He is in his fifties this year, and his daughter, Liu Xiaohua, is eight years old and has just entered second grade. Liu Xiaohua is a baby girl that Liu Chengzhen returned from the garbage can in those years. Since his wife's death, he and his daughter have been dependent on each other, supporting their daily lives and their daughter's tuition expenses on a low income every month.Every evening, Liu Chengzhen would ride a tricycle to take her daughter to her"work place" after class, and then continue to ride a bike to solicit customers to make money. At this time of day, her clever daughter would also hold up a small desk and carefully do her homework. Despite their low income and financial constraints, the kinship between father and daughter is a warm dependence on each other.However, God failed to fulfill his wishes. One day, the doctor told Liu Chengcheng that he had a severe illness and faced high treatment costs, which the family could not afford. Liu honestly thought that he would soon die, and fell into pain: After he left, what should young Xiaohua do? Finally, he decided to take the child to her biological parents.If blood melts into water, then over the years, the nurturing kindness of adoptive fathers to their daughters has been far stronger than this kinship. Liu Chengzhen couldn't bear to let her daughter leave him, but compared to this reluctance, the future of the child is even more important. So the elderly adoptive father took his daughter on a journey of seeking relatives, but unexpectedly, her daughter was abducted by traffickers on the way

 《憨爸》 繁體簡介

電影《憨爸》是由樂影盟出品,福建西窗影業聯合出品並承制,鄧象平出品、知名青年導演楊木生執導的一部親情倫理劇情長片。 影片主要講述的是養父劉老實帶養女劉小花千里跋山涉水、翻山越嶺的尋親故事,該片通過兩個小人物的曲折尋親路,折射出人性、親情、倫理和社會現實問題。南方的某個都市,有一個靠踩三輪自行車拉客為生的師傅叫劉老實,他今年五十幾歲了,女兒劉小花八歲,剛剛上二年級。 劉小花是劉老實當年從垃圾桶裏回來的女嬰,自從老伴去世後,他和女兒相依為命,每個月靠著低微的收入支撐著兩人的日常生活以及女兒的學費花銷。每天傍晚,劉老實都會在女兒下課時,騎著三輪車把女兒載到自己“工作的地方”,然後繼續騎車拉客賺錢,而乖巧的女兒也每天都會在這個時候自己撐起小桌板認真地做作業。 儘管他們收入低微,生活拮据,可父女之間的親情卻是彼此溫暖的依靠。然而,上天不遂人願,有一天醫生告訴劉老實,他得了重症,面對著高額的治療費用,這個家庭根本承擔不起。 劉老實想到自己將不久於人世,陷入痛苦:自己走了之後,年幼的小花該怎麼辦? 最終,他决定帶著孩子去找她的親生父母。如果說血融于水,那麼這麼多年來養父對女兒的養育之恩早已遠遠的濃於這份親情。 劉老實捨不得女兒離開自己,可比起這份不舍,孩子的以後更加重要。 於是年邁的養父帶著女兒開始了尋親之旅,不料,途中女兒卻遭人販子誘拐……


公元 2016年,由 温飞龙 等老师负责剧本编写,杨木生导演负责制作,陈强华,陈若晗(宝儿),蒋德亮,张艺儿,冯,,惠,孙子言,邓象平,邓雨萱(乐乐) 等明星实力参演的 剧情片《憨爸》,此影片于2016-08-18上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

iDC影视于 2021-12-01 22:35:45整理收录此片,并在 2024-04-13 05:28:06再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《憨爸》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:憨爸憨爸在线观看憨爸免费观看憨爸百度云憨爸下载 等。
