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阿英(许冠英 饰)和肥波(古国华 饰)两人自小一起长大,情同手足;长大后,两人一起到了汽水厂里当了维修工。虽然收入卑微,家境贫寒,但是两人却也其乐融融。一日,两人合伙一起买六合彩,不料真的中了头奖,两个穷光蛋一夜间变成了百万富翁。 当红影星琪琪(陈琪琪 饰)一直是阿英的梦中情人,有钱后的阿英很快和她交上了朋友。岂料琪琪看中的只是阿英的钱,看出了端倪的肥波多次劝诫阿英,被迷得晕头转向的阿英没有听从肥波劝告,反而觉得肥波在嫉妒自己,两个好友由此交恶。琪琪骗得阿英所有财产后,忽然消失了,阿英刹那间又变回了穷光蛋……收起




 《Money plays tricks》 introduce

A Ying (played by Xu Guanying) and Fat Bo (played by Gu Guo Hua) grew up together since childhood, feeling like brothers and sisters; When they grew up, the two of them worked together as maintenance workers in a soda factory. Although their income is low and their family is poor, they are also happy and harmonious. One day, two people partnered to buy a Liuhe lottery, only to find that they really won the first prize. The two poor people became millionaires overnight.Popular movie star Qi Qi (played by Chen Qi Qi) has always been A Ying's dream lover, and after being rich, A Ying quickly made friends with her. Unexpectedly, Qiqi is only interested in A Ying's money. After seeing the clues, Feibo repeatedly exhorts A Ying. Stunned and bewildered, A Ying doesn't listen to Feibo's advice, but instead feels that Feibo is jealous of herself, causing the two friends to fall in love with each other. After Qiqi cheated A Ying of all her property, she suddenly disappeared, and A Ying suddenly became a poor man again

 《錢作怪》 繁體簡介

阿英(許冠英飾)和肥波(古國華飾)兩人自小一起長大,情同手足; 長大後,兩人一起到了汽水廠裏當了維修工。 雖然收入卑微,家境貧寒,但是兩人卻也其樂融融。 一日,兩人合夥一起買六合彩,不料真的中了頭獎,兩個窮光蛋一夜間變成了百萬富翁。當紅影星琪琪(陳琪琪飾)一直是阿英的夢中情人,有錢後的阿英很快和她交上了朋友。 豈料琪琪看中的只是阿英的錢,看出了端倪的肥波多次勸誡阿英,被迷得暈頭轉向的阿英沒有聽從肥波勸告,反而覺得肥波在嫉妒自己,兩個好友由此交惡。 琪琪騙得阿英所有財產後,忽然消失了,阿英刹那間又變回了窮光蛋……


公元 1980年,由 吴宇森 等老师负责剧本编写,吴宇森导演负责制作,许冠英,陈琪琪,林正英,古国华,唐晶 等明星实力参演的 喜剧片《钱作怪》,此影片于1980-07-10上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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