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阴暗压抑的工业小镇,刺耳的机器轰鸣噪音。亨利•斯班瑟(杰克·南斯饰)初次拜访女友家,然而目睹到的却是一个怪异扭曲的家庭,霸道的母亲、无能的父亲、植物人似的祖母以及笨拙的女儿。而更令亨利感到无助的是,他被迫与女友结婚。一夜之间,亨利成为一个畸形儿的父亲。相貌丑陋恶心的婴儿让亨利异常恐惧焦虑,也让新婚妻子因忍受不了婴儿的啼哭而半夜出逃。亨利再也忍受不了如此不堪的生活和夜夜噩梦,他最终亲手用剪刀肢解掉了这个畸形的早产儿。 由美国电影新浪潮运动旗手大卫·林奇创作的长片处女作《橡皮头》,历时五年完成。一经公映,便以强烈的前卫诡异风格挑战了当时还相当传统和保守的电影界。在情绪化的摇晃镜头与随处可见的阴暗腐败中,大卫·林奇构筑出了一幅扭曲病态的家庭人物关系,赤裸裸地破开人性的阴暗面。这种运用弗洛伊德心理分析,来剖析人类精神世界中焦灼郁闷的手法,加上极具视觉冲击力的影像,让大卫·林奇在影坛独树一帜。收起


 《Rubber head》 introduce

The dark, repressed industrial town, the shrill roar of machines. Henry Spencer (Jack Nance) visits his girlfriend's house for the first time, only to see a strange and twisted family, an overbearing mother, an incompetent father, a vegetative grandmother and a clumsy daughter. What makes Henry feel helpless is that he is forced to marry his girlfriend. Overnight, Henry became the father of a deformed child. The ugly and disgusting baby made Henry extremely frightened and anxious, and the new wife fled in the middle of the night because she could not stand the baby's cry. Henry could no longer stand such an unbearable life and nightmares, so he finally dismembered the deformed premature baby with scissors.Rubber head, a feature-length debut created by David Lynch, the standard-bearer of the American film New Wave movement, took five years to complete. As soon as it was released, it challenged the film industry, which was quite traditional and conservative at that time, with a strong avant-garde and weird style. Amid the emotional shaking and the dark corruption that can be seen everywhere, David Lynch constructs a twisted and morbid family relationship, nakedly breaking the dark side of human nature. This use of Freudian psychoanalysis to analyze the anxious and depressed techniques in the human spiritual world, coupled with the visual impact of the image, makes David Lynch unique in the film industry.

 《橡皮頭》 繁體簡介



公元 1977年,由 大卫·林奇 等老师负责剧本编写,大卫·林奇导演负责制作,杰克·南斯,夏洛特·斯图尔特,艾伦·约瑟夫,珍妮·贝茨,小哈尔·兰登 等明星实力参演的 犯罪片《橡皮头》,此影片于1977-09-28上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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