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明朝崇祯15年,全国内忧外患,大将孙传庭(戴立忍 饰)临危受命带着妻子冯氏(冯波 饰)来到潼关抵抗李自成的军队。与此同时游医吴又可(冯远征 饰)怀着济世救人之心来到潼关拜访师傅——药局提领赵川(钱学格 饰)。大敌当前,孙传庭军中士兵染上怪病,同时还要面对崇祯皇帝(余少群 饰)的催促出兵和潼关豪绅顾清远(马精武 饰)等人的自私敛财。赵川因施救不力以身殉职,吴又可在危难之时挺身而出,靠着不同寻常的治疗方法与孙传庭惺惺相惜。最后瘟疫终于被控制住,但是国家的病症能否被战争治好吴又可和孙传庭都无法预料。 本片主题曲由BossaNova女王小野丽莎演唱,这是小野丽莎首次用中文演绎自己的歌曲作品。收起




 《Daming Robbery》 introduce

In the 15th year of the reign of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, the country suffered from internal and external problems. General Sun Chuanting (Dai Liren) was ordered to take his wife Feng Shi (Feng Bo) to Tongguan to resist Li Zicheng's army. At the same time, Wu Youke (Feng Yuanzheng), a traveling doctor, came to Tongguan to visit Zhao Chuan (Qian Xuege), the head of the Pharmaceutical Bureau, with the heart of saving the world. In the face of the enemy, Sun Chuanting's soldiers are suffering from strange diseases. At the same time, they also have to face the urge of Emperor Chongzhen (Yu Shaoqun) to send troops and the selfish enrichment of Tongguan gentry Gu Qingyuan (Ma Jingwu) and others. Zhao Chuan died in his job because of poor rescue. Wu Youke stood up in the time of crisis and sympathized with Sun Chuanting with his unusual treatment. Finally, the plague was finally controlled, but it was impossible to predict whether the disease of the country could be cured by the war.

 《大明劫》 繁體簡介

明朝崇禎15年,全國內憂外患,大將孫傳庭(戴立忍飾)臨危受命帶著妻子馮氏(馮波飾)來到潼關抵抗李自成的軍隊。 與此同時遊醫吳又可(馮遠征飾)懷着濟世救人之心來到潼關拜訪師傅——藥局提領趙川(錢學格飾)。 大敵當前,孫傳庭軍中阿兵哥染上怪病,同時還要面對崇禎皇帝(餘少群飾)的催促出兵和潼關豪紳顧清遠(馬精武飾)等人的自私斂財。 趙川因施救不力以身殉職,吳又可在危難之時挺身而出,靠著不同尋常的治療方法與孫傳庭惺惺相惜。 最後瘟疫終於被控制住,但是國家的病症能否被戰爭治好吳又可和孫傳庭都無法預料。


公元 2013年,由 谢晓东,周荣扬 等老师负责剧本编写,王竞导演负责制作,冯远征,戴立忍,冯波,杨旸,钱学格,司源,马精武,胡晓光,余少群 等明星实力参演的 剧情片《大明劫》,此影片于2013-10-25上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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