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1944年至1945二战期间,一群阿尔及利亚的伊斯兰教小伙子应召入伍,被编入法国军队,参加对德国的反击战。阿布戴卡德( 罗舍迪·泽姆 Roschdy Zem饰)因通过军事理论考试而被授予下士军衔,在上级命令下带领同乡的弟兄们编进严厉的马丁尼兹中士(伯纳德·布兰肯 Bernard Blancan 饰)的队伍中。在首次训练中,矮小伙萨义德(贾梅尔·杜布兹 Jamel Debbouze 饰)在应对中士投手雷的考察时险些酿成大祸,幸好中士出手敏捷,反应神速,才让这批新兵幸免于难。在战斗中,这些新兵表现神勇,特别是下士,中士对他另眼相看。午餐时,出于对非洲士兵的歧视,食品分配极为不公,为了各种族士兵权益,下士不惜以下犯上,贸然顶撞了中士,两人是否就此结下私人恩怨?非洲士兵们的命运又何去何从?收起




 《Glorious years》 introduce

From 1944 to 1945, during World War II, a group of Algerian Islamist young men were called into the army and enlisted in the French Armed Forces to participate in the counterattack against Germany. Abu Dhakad (played by Rosshdy Zem) was awarded the rank of corporal for passing the military theory exam and was ordered by his superiors to lead his fellow countrymen into the strict ranks of Martinez Sergeant (played by Bernard Blancan). In the first training session, the short boy Sayid (played by Jamel Debbouze) almost caused a disaster when responding to the sergeant's grenade throwing inspection. Fortunately, the sergeant's quick and quick response allowed these new recruits to survive. In the battle, these new soldiers showed extraordinary bravery, especially the corporal, who looked at them with a different eye. During lunch, due to discrimination against African soldiers, the distribution of food was extremely unfair. In order to protect the rights and interests of soldiers of various ethnic groups, the corporal did not hesitate to make the following mistakes and rashly opposed the sergeant. Did the two of them have a personal grudge over this? Where will the fate of African soldiers go?

 《光榮歲月》 繁體簡介

1944年至1945二戰期間,一群阿爾及利亞的伊斯蘭教小夥子應召入伍,被編入法國軍隊,參加對德國的反擊戰。 阿布戴卡德(羅舍迪·澤姆Roschdy Zem飾)因通過軍事理論考試而被授予下士軍銜,在上級命令下帶領同鄉的弟兄們編進嚴厲的馬丁尼茲中士(伯納德·布蘭肯Bernard Blancan飾)的隊伍中。 在首次訓練中,矮小夥薩義德(賈梅爾·杜布茲Jamel Debbouze飾)在應對中士投手雷的考察時險些釀成大禍,幸好中士出手敏捷,反應神速,才讓這批新兵倖免於難。 在戰鬥中,這些新兵表現神勇,特別是下士,中士對他另眼相看。 午餐時,出於對非洲阿兵哥的歧視,食品分配極為不公,為了各種族阿兵哥權益,下士不惜以下犯上,貿然頂撞了中士,兩人是否就此結下私人恩怨? 非洲士兵們的命運又何去何從?


公元 2006年,由 拉契得·波查拉,奥利维尔·洛雷勒 等老师负责剧本编写,拉契得·波查拉导演负责制作,贾梅尔·杜布兹,萨米·纳塞利,罗什迪·泽姆,塞米·鲍亚吉拉,伯纳德·布兰卡恩,马修·西蒙奈特,阿萨德·包伯,贝诺提·吉欧斯,梅拉尼·罗兰,安托万·夏佩,奥雷莉·埃尔特韦特,托马斯·朗曼,蒂博·德·蒙塔朗贝尔,Dioucounda,Koma,Philippe,Beglia,Momo,Debbouze,Abdelkim,Bouchareb,Abdelhamid,Idjaini,Abdeslam,Arbaoui,朱莉·德博纳,Othman,Ilyassa,Mohamed,Nesrate 等明星实力参演的 战争片《光荣岁月》,此影片于2006-05-25上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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