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故事叙述由男主角林一白在打闹初恋女神婚礼后,意外穿越时空重返青春,他最终领悟人生,找回真爱的故事。 昔日校花晓薇(徐愫恩饰)的婚礼正在隆重进行中,学生时代暗恋晓薇的一白(方伟杰饰),看着周围事业成功的老同学,心中泛起酸味,借着七分醉意大闹婚礼现场,甚至惹得老婆陈金花(云镁鑫饰)现场发飙。他匆到厕所发泄后,决定出去和老婆离婚。就在他推开厕所门之际,他的人生开始改变了......他竟然穿越时空,回到1999年,他的高中时期。他决定改写他的过去,决定把之前没能得到的东西全部取回。 梦里的他重返校园,追求到他心爱的女神,让失望的母亲重展笑颜,甚至成为无所不能的乐坛巨星......醉死梦生中,他发现身边的人都在利用自己,只有老婆阿华最值得珍惜。收起




 《It bothers Bert》 introduce

The story is told by the protagonist Lin Yibai who accidentally traverses time and space to return to youth after roughing up the wedding of the first love goddess. He finally comprehends life and finds true love.The wedding of Xiaowei, a former school flower (played by Xu Suen), is in grand progress. As a student, Yibai, who secretly fell in love with Xiaowei (played by Fang Weijie), looked at the successful old classmates around him and felt a sour taste in his heart. With seven points of drunkenness, he made a scene of the wedding, even causing his wife Chen Jinhua (played by Yun Mgxin) to get angry at the scene. After rushing to the bathroom to vent, he decided to go out and divorce his wife. As he pushed open the toilet door, his life began to change He actually traveled through time and space, back to 1999, his high school years. He decided to rewrite his past and take back everything he hadn't been able to get before.In his dream, he returned to school, pursued his beloved goddess, let his disappointed mother smile again, and even became an omnipotent music superstar In his drunken dreams, he found that everyone around him was using him, and only his wife, Ah Hua, was most valuable.

 《令伯特煩惱》 繁體簡介

故事敘述由男主角林一白在打鬧初戀女神婚禮後,意外穿越時空重返青春,他最終領悟人生,找回真愛的故事。昔日校花曉薇(徐愫恩飾)的婚禮正在隆重進行中,學生時代暗戀曉薇的一白(方偉傑飾),看著周圍事業成功的老同學,心中泛起酸味,借著七分醉意大鬧婚禮現場,甚至惹得老婆陳金花(雲鎂鑫飾)現場發飆。 他匆到廁所發洩後,决定出去和老婆離婚。 就在他推開廁所門之際,他的人生開始改變了…… 他竟然穿越時空,回到1999年,他的高中時期。 他决定改寫他的過去,决定把之前沒能得到的東西全部取回。夢裏的他重返校園,追求到他心愛的女神,讓失望的母親重展笑顏,甚至成為無所不能的樂壇巨星…… 醉死夢生中,他發現身邊的人都在利用自己,只有老婆阿華最值得珍惜。


公元 2017年,由 曾福明,关震峰 等老师负责剧本编写,郑建国导演负责制作,方伟杰,云镁鑫,林一心,许愫恩,叶朝明,黄嘉千,方贾为,陈立扬,林德荣,刘谦益,何文辉,陈日丰 等明星实力参演的 喜剧片《令伯特烦恼》,此影片于2017-03-23上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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