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乐观的石勇(杜汶泽 Chapman To 饰)最近霉运连连,老婆爱钱婚姻玩完,事业受挫生意落拓,不得已带着全部家当搬到郊区,以前“人见人爱花见花开”的日子彻底不复返,还被老板娘(恬妞 Niu Tien 饰)等误认为落难老大。就在他失意落寞的时候,忽然发现隔壁的“大力妹”李丽(江若琳 Elanne kwong 饰),这个性格倔强的姑娘,本是前途无量的举重运动员,因患糖尿病黯然退役,她没有专业技能,只能做搬运工作,每天起得比鸡早干得比牛多,生活依然非常拮据。                                                                    两个“苦命人”同病相怜,一来二去就产生了感情,从此比翼双飞夫唱妇随,翌年就迎来爱情的结晶——胖小子。但是每日忙活在柴米油盐中的李丽,仍然放不下心爱的举重事业,石勇看在眼里记在心上,暗中协调各种关系,帮助妻子完成未遂的心愿。                                                                    就这样,一个叱咤商场的精英男,把自己武装成“煎炒烹炸样样通,擦抹洗刷全不误”的家庭煮夫,支持着爱妻李丽走向举重台……收起


 《Hold high love》 introduce

The optimistic Shi Yong (played by Du Wenze Chapman To) has had a lot of bad luck recently. His wife's love of money and marriage have ended, his career has been frustrated, and his business has collapsed. He has had to move to the suburbs with all his possessions. The days of"everyone loves flowers when they bloom" have completely disappeared, and he has also been mistakenly identified as the boss of the disaster by his wife (played by Tian Niu Niu Niu Niu). When he is frustrated and lonely, he suddenly finds Li Li (Jiang Ruolin Elanne Kwong), the"big sister" next door. She is a stubborn girl. She was originally a promising weight lifter. She retired because of diabetes. She has no professional skills and can only do carrying work. She gets up earlier than the chicken and works more than the cattle every day. Her life is still very tight.The two"miserable people" share the same illness and have developed feelings as soon as they come and go. From then on, they will fly together and follow each other. The next year, they will usher in the crystallization of love - the fat boy. However, Li Li, who is busy living in daily necessities, still cannot afford to let go of her beloved weightlifting career. Shi Yong sees it in his eyes and keeps it in mind, secretly coordinating various relationships and helping his wife fulfill her failed wish.In this way, an elite man who dominates shopping malls armed himself as a family cook who"knows everything about frying, frying, and scrubbing", supporting his beloved wife Li Li to the weightlifting platform

 《高舉愛》 繁體簡介

樂觀的石勇(杜汶澤Chapman To飾)最近黴運連連,老婆愛錢婚姻玩完,事業受挫生意落拓,不得已帶著全部家當搬到郊區,以前“人見人愛花見花開”的日子徹底不復返,還被老闆娘(恬妞Niu Tien飾)等誤認為落難老大。 就在他失意落寞的時候,忽然發現隔壁的“大力妹”李麗(江若琳Elanne kwong飾),這個性格倔强的靚女,本是前途無量的舉重運動員,因患糖尿病黯然退役,她沒有專業技能,只能做搬運工作,每天起得比雞早幹得比牛多,生活依然非常拮据。兩個“苦命人”同病相憐,一來二去就產生了感情,從此比翼雙飛夫唱婦隨,翌年就迎來愛情的結晶——胖小子。 但是每日忙活在柴米油鹽中的李麗,仍然放不下心愛的舉重事業,石勇看在眼裡記在心上,暗中協調各種關係,幫助妻子完成未遂的心願。就這樣,一個叱吒商場的精英男,把自己武裝成“煎炒烹炸樣樣通,擦抹洗刷全不誤”的家庭煮夫,支持著愛妻李麗走向舉重臺……


公元 2012年,由 邱礼涛 等老师负责剧本编写,邱礼涛导演负责制作,江若琳,恬妞,徐正溪,张颂文,恭硕良,张同祖 等明星实力参演的 爱情片《高举爱》,此影片于2012-03-08上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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