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 《The Strange Case of Duanxi》 introduce

Elegant Song Dynasty, bustling and beautiful, with countless households and industries thriving. In the midst of a prosperous era, the undercurrent surged, and the inkstone, which was exclusively used by officials, was actually sought after for personal gain. As a result, Fang Tingyun, the female general of the Imperial City Department, was ordered to ride a white horse alone into the Duan River. On the New Year's Eve, there was snow and noise from the flute and drum, while the jade teapot in the Duanxi River was shining brightly and the BMW was carving a car. However, at this time, a case of the Five Gods demanding their lives suddenly occurred, and the investigation of the Chinese court cloud became a suspect. In order to seek the truth, Fang Tingyun circled around the treacherous Duanxi and began to investigate. The Supervisor of the County who controls Li Shu, the young man who works every step of the way, the ranger who is happy in the Jianghu, the constable who travels around the town, the honest and frank county captain, the shopkeeper who is hard to find in the past. The interrelated cases of stealing officials, taking inkstones for revenge, framing and framing, mutual harm among colleagues, and smuggling tribute inkstones are bizarre and convoluted. A painting of the mountains and rivers of the Great Song Dynasty, with blood as the base, flourishing ink splashing, and elegant coloring, unfolds slowly on the night when Fang Tingyun enters Duanxi

 《端溪奇案》 繁體簡介

風雅大宋,繁華清麗,戶列珠璣,百業向榮。 然盛世之下,暗流汹湧,專供官家之端硯,竟被人謀私取利。 皇城司女將方庭雲囙此奉命,單騎白馬入端溪。 元夜雪、簫鼓喧,端溪玉壺光轉、寶馬雕車,然而此時卻突發五神索命之案,追查中方庭雲亦成疑凶。 為求真相,方庭雲周旋於雲波詭譎的端溪,開始查訪。 掌控黎庶的知縣、步步為營的少年、快意江湖的遊俠、遊走坊市的捕快、赤誠耿直的縣尉、往事難覓的掌櫃……一個個人物粉墨登場。 盜官滅門、奪硯復仇、嫁禍栽贓、同僚相殘、貢硯走私……一樁樁互有關聯的案件,離奇曲折。 一卷以鮮血為底、以昌盛潑墨、以風雅著色的大宋山河圖,在方庭雲進入端溪那夜,徐徐展開……


公元 2024年,由 汪晓寒 等老师负责剧本编写,魏书仪导演负责制作,张沙沙,书亚信,左晓龙,田沐阳,韩淼 等明星实力参演的 动作片《端溪奇案》,此影片于2024-04-13上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

iDC影视于 2024-04-13 18:40:23整理收录此片,并在 2024-05-11 14:45:03再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《端溪奇案》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:端溪奇案端溪奇案在线观看端溪奇案免费观看端溪奇案百度云端溪奇案下载 等。
