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隋朝末年,天下大乱。大业十四年三月十日江都兵变,炀帝驾崩,神兽夔牛无主。各路叛军和地方势力的人马纷纷运动到江都寻找传说能镇压夔牛的神剑。书生赴江都赶考,阴差阳错之下,来到神秘的艘口驿站“草行渡”。小小的驿站内,既有像他这样空有抱负却零落天下的谈书人,也有柔弱神秘的美丽哑女,以及看起来不太靠谱的洒脱侠客,人群中更藏着两大绝世高手,一位是隋朝最后的“护剑使” ,还有一位则是唐王手下的无敌战路,整个客栈内是敌是友,扑朔迷离。残存的人需要暂时放下争执,共同收伏怪兽,活着见到明天的太阳。收起


 《Big Beast》 introduce

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, there was a great chaos in the world. On March 10th, the 14th year of the Daye era, there was a mutiny in Jiangdu, and Emperor Yang passed away. The divine beast Kui Niu had no owner. People from various rebel forces and local forces have been moving to Jiangdu in search of the legendary divine sword that can suppress Kui Niu. The scholar went to Jiangdu to take the exam, but by chance, he arrived at the mysterious ship post station"Caoxiangdu". In the small post station, there were not only ambitious but scattered storytellers like him, but also delicate and mysterious beautiful mute women, as well as unreliable and carefree heroes. In the crowd, there were two unparalleled masters hidden, one was the last"sword protector" of the Sui Dynasty, and the other was the invincible battle route under the Tang King. The entire inn was full of enemies and friends, and it was shrouded in confusion. The remaining people need to temporarily put aside their disputes, work together to subdue the monsters, and live to see tomorrow's sun.

 《大獸》 繁體簡介

隋朝末年,天下大亂。 大業十四年三月十日江都兵變,煬帝駕崩,神獸夔牛無主。 各路叛軍和地方勢力的人馬紛紛運動到江都尋找傳說能鎮壓夔牛的神劍。 書生赴江都趕考,陰差陽錯之下,來到神秘的艘口驛站“草行渡”。 小小的驛站內,既有像他這樣空有抱負卻零落天下的談書人,也有柔弱神秘的美麗啞女,以及看起來不太可靠的灑脫俠客,人群中更藏著兩大絕世高手,一比特是隋朝最後的“護劍使”,還有一比特則是唐王手下的無敵戰路,整個客棧內是敵是友,撲朔迷離。 殘存的人需要暫時放下爭執,共同收伏怪獸,活著見到明天的太陽。


公元 2024年,由 刘炎焱 等老师负责剧本编写,刘炎焱导演负责制作,刘剑羽,钱冬旎,邹明洋,王尊,马仑,张大仙 等明星实力参演的 剧情片《大兽》,此影片于2024-03-20上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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