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 《The red roof on the ramp》 introduce

There is a house with a red roof in the quiet residential area. Eighteen years ago, the owner of the house, a couple of doctors from two private clinics, were killed and dismembered by their biological daughter, Akiko Aoda (played by Miura Kudo), and their lover, Hideyoshi Ohara (played by Ryuu Hashimoto). This case is shocking and has attracted widespread attention from the world. During the trial of the case, Da Yan published an autobiography stating that he had once killed a girl. In the end, the court ruled that Cai Yazi was incited by others to commit the crime and sentenced him to life imprisonment; The mastermind, Da Yanxiu Xing, was sentenced to death. Years later, the newcomer writer Kobayashi Shonai (played by Kana Kurako) approached the editor of the autobiography, Ryo Hashimoto (played by Kentai Toriya), with a novel project adapted from the case. The two of them believed that it was very necessary to publish this novel, so they began to visit people who were related to the parties at that time. During the visit, the two were also influenced by some dark emotions. The shocking truth is waiting for them ahead.

 《坡道上的紅屋頂》 繁體簡介

在清靜的住宅區裏有一家紅屋頂的房子。 十八年前,房子的主人,兩位私人診所的醫生夫婦被自己的親生女兒青田彩也子(工藤美櫻飾)及其戀人大渕秀行(橋本良亮飾)殺害並碎屍。 該案件駭人聽聞,受到世人廣泛關注。 該案審理過程中,大渕出版了自傳,陳述了他曾經殺害女童的事。 最終,法院宣判彩也子受他人蠱惑行兇,判無期徒刑; 主謀大渕秀行被判死刑。 多年後,新人作家小椋沙奈(倉科加奈飾)帶著由該案改編的小說企劃找上了那本自傳的編輯橋本凉(桐穀健太飾)。 二人認為這本小說非常有必要出版,便開始走訪當年與當事人有關的人。 在走訪過程中,二人亦被一些陰暗的情緒影響。 令人震驚的真相正在前方等待著他們。


公元 2024年,由 吉川菜美,真梨幸子 等老师负责剧本编写,村上正典导演负责制作,桐谷健太,仓科加奈,莲佛美沙子,桥本良亮,齐藤由贵 等明星实力参演的 日本剧《坡道上的红屋顶》,此影片于2024-03-03上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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