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年轻人阿米德(阿米德柯曼尼Amid Keomany饰)正在照顾一位即将离世的老妇阿梦(席梦娜米拉万Simone Milavanh饰),他随身带着〈西藏度亡经〉,为她朗读典籍中生死奥秘,帮助她能顺利往生。阿梦的人生即将灭熄,阿米德的成年生活才正要开始,他乘着小舟顺着湄公河划行,遇到年少僧人毕恩(熊图莫Toumor Xiong饰)向他探询典籍奥秘,他于是随着这群僧侣,前往了川流之源。这时,坦尚尼亚东海岸的女孩接生了一头小山羊,并为它取名「妮玛」(祝福之意)。女孩和家人依海为生,妇女种植海带,男人捕鱼,万物自有循环,大自然有其自我更新的力量。收起




 《Reincarnation》 introduce

Young Amid (Amid Komani Amid Keomany) is taking care of a dying old woman, A Meng (Simone Milavanh, Simone Milavanh). He takes the"Xizang Death Sutra" with him to read her the secrets of life and death in ancient books and help her pass away smoothly. Amung's life is about to come to an end, and Amid's adult life is about to begin. He rides a small boat along the Mekong River and meets a young monk named Bien (played by Xiong Tumo Toumor Xiong) to inquire about the mysteries of the scriptures. He then follows these monks to the source of the river. At this time, a girl from the east coast of Tanzania gave birth to a little goat and named it"Nima" (meaning blessings). Girls and their families make a living by the sea, women grow seaweed, men fish, everything has its own cycle, and nature has its own power of self-renewal.

 《輪回》 繁體簡介

年輕人阿米德(阿米德柯曼尼Amid Keomany飾)正在照顧一比特即將離世的老婦阿夢(席夢娜米拉萬Simone Milavanh飾),他隨身帶著〈西藏度亡經〉,為她朗讀典籍中生死奧秘,幫助她能順利往生。 阿夢的人生即將滅熄,阿米德的成年生活才正要開始,他乘著小舟順著湄公河劃行,遇到年少僧人畢恩(熊圖莫Toumor Xiong飾)向他探詢典籍奧秘,他於是隨著這群僧侶,前往了川流之源。 這時,坦尚尼亞東海岸的女孩接生了一頭小山羊,並為它取名「妮瑪」(祝福之意)。 女孩和家人依海為生,婦女種植海帶,男人捕魚,萬物自有迴圈,大自然有其自我更新的力量。


公元 2023年,由 Garbiñe Ortega,路易斯·帕提诺 等老师负责剧本编写,路易斯·帕提诺导演负责制作,Amid Keomany,Toumor Xiong,Simone Milavanh,Mariam Vuaa Mtego,Juwairiya Idrisa Uwesu 等明星实力参演的 剧情片《轮回》,此影片于2023-12-20上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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