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1633年,德川幕府颁布锁国令。在此之后,拥有外国血统的孩子都无一例外收到本土民众的歧视。拥有蓝色双眸的阿水是一名混血儿,母亲为了保护她让她从小隐藏性别,躲在屋中,避免伤害。谁知,阿水的母亲依然没有逃脱戕害的命运。成为孤儿的阿水饱受村里人欺侮,直到某天一枚陨石改变了他(她)的命运。阿水帮助锻刀的盲眼老人将陨石运回了家,从此便在老人的家中住下,并且学会了锻刀以及剑法。此去经年,弱不经风的少年成长为翩翩剑客,他辞别老人,带着陨铁打造的武士刀,踏上了向抛弃母亲和自己的男人复仇的道路。  大雪纷飞,许多人的命运将因此改变……收起




 《Blue eyed warrior》 introduce

In 1633, the Tokugawa shogunate issued a lockdown order. Afterwards, children with foreign ancestry without exception received discrimination from the local population. Ashui, who has blue eyes, is a mixed race child. Her mother, in order to protect her, made her hide her gender from a young age and hide in the house to avoid harm. Who knows, Ashui's mother still hasn't escaped the fate of being harmed. Ashui, who became an orphan, was bullied by the villagers until one day a meteorite changed his or her fate. Ashui helped the blind eyed old man forge a knife and transport the meteorite back home. From then on, he stayed at the old man's house and learned how to forge a knife and swordsmanship. Over the years, the weak and unruly young man has grown into a graceful swordsman. He bid farewell to the old man and, with a samurai sword made of meteorite iron, embarked on the path of revenge towards the man who abandoned his mother and himself.The heavy snowfall will change the fate of many people

 《藍眼武士》 繁體簡介

1633年,德川幕府頒佈鎖國令。 在此之後,擁有外國血統的孩子都無一例外收到本土群眾的歧視。 擁有藍色雙眸的阿水是一名混血兒,母親為了保護她讓她從小隱藏性別,躲在屋中,避免傷害。 誰知,阿水的母親依然沒有逃脫戕害的命運。 成為孤兒的阿水飽受村裡人欺侮,直到某天一枚隕石改變了他(她)的命運。 阿水幫助鍛刀的盲眼老人將隕石運回了家,從此便在老人的家中住下,並且學會了鍛刀以及劍法。 此去經年,弱不經風的少年成長為翩翩劍客,他辭別老人,帶著隕鐵打造的武士刀,踏上了向拋弃母親和自己的男人復仇的道路。大雪紛飛,許多人的命運將囙此改變……


公元 2023年,由 迈克尔·格林,Amber Noizumi 等老师负责剧本编写,厄尔·A·希伯特,简·吴导演负责制作,玛雅·厄斯金,田川洋行,丘增,达伦·巴内特,武井乔治,布兰达·宋,兰道尔·朴,肯尼思·布拉纳,许玮伦,温明娜,岑勇康,马克·达卡斯考斯,葛晓洁,阿兰·乌伊,Brian Takahashi 等明星实力参演的 欧美动漫《蓝眼武士》,此影片于2023-11-03上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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