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 《Sparks on Ice》 introduce

As two brothers, Budweiser and Qianfan have vastly different personalities. Their older brother Budweiser is full of sunshine and leads the team forward courageously. Even in the face of the powerful enemy Tiancheng, he always believes that people can win as long as they work hard, with passion and dreams. Unexpectedly, he died unexpectedly in the locker room. The remaining younger brother, Qianfan, once hated his brother's passion. He felt that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up with his brother's football skills. Unexpectedly, now he is the only useless person left... and his brother's girlfriend, Ah Yu. Since the death of Budweiser, Qianfan and Ah Yu have lived a decadent life, surviving by reminiscing about the fun of Budweiser's life. The Spark Team led by Budweiser has been torn apart and never wavered... Until Qianfan met the Sunshine Girl Ah Dou while selling Budweiser's ice hockey equipment, reignited Qianfan's fighting spirit, reorganized the Spark Team, and renovated the imitation ice rink in the factory building to resume business. Not long after, Qianfan and Sparks met their brother's former arch rivals Tiancheng and Stormwind on the ice rink. They once again felt powerless, but also understood that Budweiser's passion was not foolishness, but when you truly like something, you naturally have the determination to go all out. Even if the chance is slim, you will still want to win. They vowed to defeat their old enemies and advance towards the professional league!

 《生若冰火》 繁體簡介

百威和千帆作為兩兄弟,性格相距甚遠,哥哥百威充滿陽光氣息,帶領球隊勇往直前,即使面對強敵天城,他總覺得人只要努力、懷着熱血和夢想便能獲勝⋯豈料他卻在更衣室裏意外猝死。 剩下來的弟弟千帆曾經討厭哥哥的熱血,他覺得自己再努力也追不上哥哥的球技,沒想到如今剩下他這個沒用的人⋯還有哥哥的女友阿Yu。 自從百威死後,千帆和阿Yu過著頹廢的生活,靠懷緬百威的生平趣事來苟且偷生,而百威帶領的火花隊就四分五裂,一蹶不震⋯直至,千帆出售百威的冰球器材時遇到陽光少女阿豆,重燃千帆的鬥志,並重組火花隊,也重新裝修在工厦裏的仿冰場,重投業務。 未幾,千帆和火花隊在冰場上遇到哥哥昔日的勁敵天城和暴風隊,他們再次感到自己的無力,但同時明白百威的熱血並不是一股傻勁,而是當你真正喜歡一件東⻄時,你自然會有全力以赴的决心,即使機會渺茫,你也會想獲得勝利,他們誓要把宿敵打敗,並向職業聯賽進發!


公元 2023年,由 甄栢荣,何永航,黃竣培 等老师负责剧本编写,甄栢荣导演负责制作,杨乐文,陈卓贤,江熚生,柯炜林,林耀声,朱鉴然,林家熙,马槜铿,黄溢濠,黄奕晨,林恺铃,岑乐怡,沈贞巧,黄可盈 等明星实力参演的 香港剧《冰上火花》,此影片于2023-10-30上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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