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 《Surrounding lovers》 introduce

Du Jun and Song Zaixi were high school classmates, and they reunited in the same dormitory for their undergraduate studies. Song Zaixi has a handsome appearance and a sunny and outgoing personality. She has been secretly in love with Zheng Dujun for many years. After graduating from high school, she has been sending messages and making phone calls to harass Zheng Dujun, but has not received any response from him. It is inevitable that she would be embarrassed to meet in the same dormitory during her undergraduate studies. In an accident, Song Zaixi accidentally broke his left hand to save Zheng Dujun. The doctor said it would take 4 weeks to recover. To make up for all this, Zheng Dujun agreed to take care of Song Zaixi for 4 weeks, and Song Zaixi suggested that we pretend to be lovers for these 4 weeks. Du Jun certainly disagreed, so Song Zaixi pretended to be pitiful and said, 'Is it because I have an ugly appearance and a bad voice that you didn't reply to my message and answer my phone call?'. Then, she hugged Dujun and cried loudly.

 《四周戀人》 繁體簡介

度俊和宋在曦是高中同學,他們重逢了,在大學同一間宿舍。 宋在曦長相帥氣,性格陽光開朗,暗戀鄭度俊很多年,高中畢業後,一直發資訊打電話騷擾鄭度俊,但都沒得到度俊的回應,大學裏同一間宿舍見面難免尷尬。 一場意外,宋在曦為了救鄭度俊不小心把左手弄骨折了,醫生說要4星期才能痊癒,為了彌補這一切,鄭度俊答應照顧宋在曦4周,而宋在曦提議:這4周裏,我們假扮成戀人吧。 度俊當然不同意,於是宋在熙就裝可憐說:是不是因為我長相醜,聲音不好聽,所以你才不回我資訊,接我電話的。 然後,然後抱著度俊大哭。


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