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 《Yellow River Snake Event》 introduce

A quiet small village near the Yellow River, accompanied by a floating coffin, ushered in an unexpected disaster. Strange things happened frequently in the village, and people were missing one after another. The head of the Zhao family of the water ghost family led people to go into the water to investigate, but the water ghosts did not survive, and he was also seriously injured, leaving behind the words"floating coffins out, sealing the waterways; sinking livestock, and relaxing the waves" and then died. Thirty years later, the famine struck, the livestock in the village died early, the floating coffin fork appeared ahead of time, and the helpless old village head decided to sacrifice the old, weak, sick and disabled in the village to the river. Zhao Bai, the young master of the Zhao family, who is rebellious by nature and not liked by the public, met the Chen family with a strange genetic disease and a short life in the ceremony. They believe that the floating pavilion is the only hope that has been pursued for many years. In order to save the old, weak, sick and disabled who have lost their lives, and to stop the village from being threatened by the mysterious floating coffin, Zhao Bai resolutely embarked on a dangerous journey with the unidentified Chen family

 《黃河巨蛇事件》 繁體簡介

黃河邊的一個靜諡的小村落,伴隨著一口浮棺的出現迎來了無妄之災,村中怪事頻發、接連有人失踪。 水鬼家族趙家的家主帶人下水查探,可水鬼們無一生還,他也身負重傷,留下了“浮棺出、封水路;沉牲畜,波浪舒”這十二個字後就溘然長逝。 三十年後,灾荒侵襲,村中牲畜早巴死絕,浮棺叉提前出現,無可奈何的老村長决定用村中的老弱病殘祭河。 生性叛遊,不被眾人所看好的趙家少爺趙佰,在成年禮中結識了身患古怪遺傳病、壽命短暫的陳家人。 他們認為浮館就是多年來苦苦追尋的唯一希望“死人活”。 為了拯救生路斷絕的老弱病殘,為了村子不再被神秘的浮棺所威脅,趙佰毅然决然地和身份不明的陳家人踏上了一次危險的旅程……


公元 2023年,由 陈美琪 等老师负责剧本编写,王宥皓导演负责制作,王浩歌,金雅娜,淳于珊珊,尹天照,徐少强,岳冬峰,孙亿舒,柏智杰 等明星实力参演的 剧情片《黄河巨蛇事件》,此影片于2023-02-16(中国大陆网络)上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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