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大内库藏武功秘笈《葵花宝典》失窃。东厂主管太监古今福(刘洵 饰)率千户欧阳全(张学友 饰)等,南下调查辞官锦衣卫林镇南,同时收用“五岳盟主”左冷禅(元华 饰)外围策应。华山派大弟子令狐冲(许冠杰 饰)与师妹岳灵珊(叶童 饰)奉师命增援林镇南,无奈两人实力不济,领得林镇南遗嘱后遁走,二人于路先后巧遇顺风堂堂主刘正风(午马 饰)、日月神教长老曲洋(林正英 饰)、华山派风清扬,获传《笑傲江湖》曲谱和独孤九剑。 收起




 《Smile proudly in the Jianghu》 introduce

"Sunflower Classic", a martial arts secret collection stored in the Great Internal Treasury, was stolen. The supervisor of the East Hall, eunuch Gu Jinfu (Liu Xun), led thousands of households, such as Ouyang Quan (Zhang Xueyou), to investigate the resignation of the Royal Guards in the south of Lin Town, and employed Zuo Lengchen (Yuan Hua), the"Five Mountains Alliance Leader", as an external support. Ling Huchong (Xu Guanjie), the eldest disciple of the Huashan Sect, and his younger martial sister Yue Lingshan (Ye Tong) were instructed by their teacher to reinforce Lin Zhennan. However, they were not strong enough, and after receiving Lin Zhennan's will, they fled. On the way, the two met Liu Zhengfeng (Meridian Horse), the leader of the Shunfeng Hall, Qu Yang (Lin Zhengying), the elder of the Sun and Moon Cult, and Qu Yang (Lin Zhengying), the Qingyang of the Huashan Sect. They were handed the music score of"Laughing in the Jianghu" and Dugu Jiujian.People from all walks of life gathered in the territory of the Miao people for the"Sunflower Classic". Ouyang Quan and Zuo Lengshan couldn't compete for merit, so he disguised himself as Lin Pingzhi and joined the Huashan Sect. Ling Huchong met Ren Yingying (Zhang Min) and Blue Phoenix (Yuan Jieying) of the Sun and Moon Cult, and was assisted by Qu Yang due to their relationship. In ancient and modern times, Fu and Yue Buqun had a big fight for"Sunflower Classic". Linghu Chong couldn't bear the involvement and anger of a group of martial brothers and used Dugu Jiujian to understand the true meaning of"Xiaoao Jianghu".This film is based on Jin Yong's novel of the same name.

 《笑傲江湖》 繁體簡介

大內庫藏武功秘笈《葵花寶典》失竊。 東廠首長太監古今福(劉洵飾)率千戶歐陽全(張學友飾)等,南下調查辭官錦衣衛林鎮南,同時收用“五嶽盟主”左冷禪(元華飾)週邊策應。 華山派大弟子令狐沖(許冠傑飾)與学妹嶽靈珊(葉童飾)奉師命增援林鎮南,無奈兩人實力不濟,領得林鎮南遺囑後遁走,二人於路先後巧遇順風堂堂主劉正風(午馬飾)、日月神教長老曲洋(林正英飾)、華山派風清揚,獲傳《笑傲江湖》曲譜和獨孤九劍。各路人馬為《葵花寶典》紛紛聚於苗人地界,歐陽全與左冷禪爭功不下,遂假扮林平之混入華山派一行。 令狐沖結識日月神教任盈盈(張敏飾)與藍鳳凰(袁潔瑩飾),因曲洋之關係得其協助。 古今福與嶽不群為《葵花寶典》大打出手,令狐沖不忍一班師兄弟受牽連憤而使出獨孤九劍,始明了“笑傲江湖”真意。本片根據金庸同名小說改編。


公元 1990年,由 编剧内详/暂未更新 等老师负责剧本编写,胡金铨,徐克,李惠民,程小东,金扬桦,许鞍华导演负责制作,许冠杰,叶童,张学友,张敏,袁洁莹 等明星实力参演的 动作片《笑傲江湖》,此影片于上映日期暂未更新上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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