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17世纪,中国尚处在清朝统治时期。阴阳混浊,世道艰险。受阴气滋养,许多尸体渐渐化作强大邪恶的僵尸,危害人间。这时期,茅山道士下山铲除妖秽,拯救世人。某墓内将军尸体化作鬼王,威力无比。一群道士与之大战,战斗中发生爆炸,无数人遇难,鬼王和带队的茅山师傅不知踪影,只有四个徒弟逃出生天。四名弟子追踪僵尸踪迹来至大方伯村,村中有一以腌制腊肉为生的姜姓富户。姜老爷(于荣光 饰)为儿子讨过几房老婆,却皆死于非命。适逢新一房媳妇过门,四名茅山弟子无意中发现姜家一个奇怪的风俗……收起


 《Zombie era》 introduce

In the 17th century, China was still under the rule of the Qing Dynasty. Yin and Yang are muddy and the world is difficult and dangerous. Nourished by Yin, many corpses gradually turn into powerful and evil zombies, endangering the world. During this period, Maoshan Taoist priest came down the mountain to eradicate demons and filth and save the world. The body of a general in a tomb is turned into a ghost king, which is extremely powerful. A group of Taoist monks fought against it, and there was an explosion in the battle, killing countless people. The Ghost King and the Maoshan master who led the team were nowhere to be seen, and only four disciples escaped. Four disciples tracked the zombies to the village of Dafangbo, where there was a rich man surnamed Jiang who made a living with pickled bacon. Master Jiang (acted the role of Yu Rongguang) asked for several wives for his son, but they all died an unnatural death. Just as the new wife passed by, four Maoshan disciples stumbled upon a strange custom of the Jiang family.

 《殭屍大時代》 繁體簡介

17世紀,中國尚處在清朝統治時期。陰陽混濁,世道艱險。受陰氣滋養,許多屍體漸漸化作強大邪惡的殭屍,危害人間。這時期,茅山道士下山剷除妖穢,拯救世人。某墓內將軍屍體化作鬼王,威力無比。一群道士與之大戰,戰鬥中發生爆炸,無數人遇難,鬼王和帶隊的茅山師傅不知蹤影,只有四個徒弟逃出生天。四名弟子追蹤殭屍蹤跡來至大方伯村,村中有一以醃制臘肉為生的薑姓富戶。薑老爺(於榮光 飾)為兒子討過幾房老婆,卻皆死於非命。適逢新一房媳婦過門,四名茅山弟子無意中發現薑家一個奇怪的風俗……


公元 2002年,由 编剧内详/暂未更新 等老师负责剧本编写,钱升玮导演负责制作,陈国坤,文健,于荣光,张智尧,林雪,周文健,计春华,安雅 等明星实力参演的 犯罪片《僵尸大时代》,此影片于上映日期暂未更新上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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