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马里奥(伊夫·蒙当 Yves Montand 饰)是一个游手好闲的混混,在那个小镇里,所有的人都在找工作,可是没有一个人有正式的工作。就是这样一个贫穷的地方,每天还有无数人前来淘金,落魄的商人吉奥(查尔斯·文恩 Charles Vanel 饰)就是其中的一员。同时,命不 久矣的鲁奇(Folco Lulli 饰)和嚣张跋扈的班巴(彼得·范·埃克 Peter van Eyck 饰)也出现在了当地鱼龙混杂的酒吧里,他们的目标只有一个,那就是赚钱。 此时,500公里外的S•O•C石油公司的油井燃起了熊熊大火,为了灭火,必须有人驾驶着装有十吨硝化甘油的卡车开往此地,而对于公司的雇工来说,这无疑是自杀的举动,因为只要有任何一点点的颠簸和受热,十吨硝化甘油就将化为十吨威力无比的炸弹。无良的老板打起了混混们的主意,因为即使他们死了,也不会有工会来追究责任。马里奥、吉...收起




 《The Price of Fear》 introduce

Mario (Yves Montand) is a loafer. In that small town, everyone is looking for a job, but no one has a formal job. It is such a poor place where countless people come to search for gold every day, and the downtrodden businessman Gio (played by Charles Vanel) is one of them. At the same time, the short-lived Luchi (played by Folco Lulli) and the domineering Bamba (played by Peter van Eyck) also appeared in the local mixed bar, with their only goal being to make money.At this moment, the oil well of S • O • C Petroleum Company, 500 kilometers away, ignited a raging fire. In order to extinguish the fire, someone had to drive a truck containing ten tons of nitroglycerin to this place. For the company's employees, this was undoubtedly a suicide act, because with any slight jolt and heat, ten tons of nitroglycerin would turn into ten tons of powerful bombs. The unscrupulous boss took the idea of gangsters because even if they died, there would be no union to hold them accountable. Mario, Gio, Bamba, and Rucci were awarded this dangerous mission and promised a reward of $2000 per person. In this way, for the sake of money, the group held their lives in their hands and embarked on a path of no return where danger and fear coexisted.

 《恐懼的代價》 繁體簡介

馬里奧(伊夫·蒙當Yves Montand飾)是一個遊手好閒的混混,在那個小鎮裏,所有的人都在找工作,可是沒有一個人有正式的工作。 就是這樣一個貧窮的地方,每天還有無數人前來淘金,落魄的商人吉奧(查爾斯·文恩Charles Vanel飾)就是其中的一員。 同時,命不久矣的魯奇(Folco Lulli飾)和囂張跋扈的班巴(彼得·範·埃克Peter van Eyck飾)也出現在了當地魚龍混雜的酒吧裏,他們的目標只有一個,那就是賺錢。此時,500公里外的S•O•C石油公司的油井燃起了熊熊大火,為了滅火,必須有人駕駛著裝有十噸硝化甘油的卡車開往此地,而對於公司的雇工來說,這無疑是自殺的舉動,因為只要有任何一點點的顛簸和受熱,十噸硝化甘油就將化為十噸威力無比的炸彈。 無良的老闆打起了混混們的主意,因為即使他們死了,也不會有工會來追究責任。 馬里奧、吉奧、班巴和魯奇獲得了這個危險的任務,並被允諾每人將有2000美金的酬勞。 就這樣,為了金錢,一行人將性命捏在手裡,駛上了危險與恐懼並存的不歸路。


公元 1953年,由 编剧内详/暂未更新 等老师负责剧本编写,亨利-乔治·克鲁佐导演负责制作,伊夫·蒙当,夏尔·瓦内尔,彼得·范·埃克,福尔科·卢利,薇拉·克劳佐 等明星实力参演的 犯罪片《恐惧的代价》,此影片于上映日期暂未更新上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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