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 《Uncle Jiu Returns 3: Kui Gu Ying》 introduce

In the early period of the Republic of China, warlords were chaotic and the mystical world was constantly in conflict. The Satsuma evil master, who dominated the Southern Ocean, restarted the forbidden spell with his own selfish interests and traveled thousands of miles to the gathering place of"Wulang Mountain". He used the pregnant mother wolf inside as the body for cultivating the Kui Gu baby, fed it with the blood of a virgin, and refined it with snakes, scorpions, insects, and ants. The bloodthirsty and cruel Kui Gu Ying, under the control of the Satsuma evil master, cruelly abused villagers and became a killer. To ensure the safety of the whole town, Uncle Jiu led his disciples to engage in a battle of wits and bravery with the Satsuma Evil Master. What unknown secrets were hidden behind this? A battle between Maoshan magic and Nanyang magic, as well as a battle between Jiushu master and disciple and Kui Gu Ying, is on the verge of breaking out

 《九叔歸來3:魁蠱嬰》 繁體簡介

民國初期,軍閥混亂,玄術界爭鬥不休。 制霸南洋的薩摩邪師以一己之私重啓禁術,不遠萬里來到聚陰之地“巫狼山”,把內懷有身孕的母狼作為培養魁蠱嬰的孕體,以處子之血餵食,用蛇蠍蟲蟻煉化。 嗜血殘暴的魁蠱嬰在薩摩邪師的控制下殘虐村民、殺人成性。 為保全鎮平安,九叔帶著徒弟與薩摩邪師鬥智鬥勇,而這背後又藏著哪些不為人知的秘密? 一場茅山法術與南洋邪術、九叔師徒與魁蠱嬰的正邪大戰一觸即發…


公元 2022年,由 王建闯 等老师负责剧本编写,王建闯导演负责制作,葛帅,王凯垚,高兴,董晓飞,樊煦,范正军 等明星实力参演的 动作片《九叔归来3:魁蛊婴》,此影片于2022-05-19上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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