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 《Can't stop eating meat》 introduce

Vincent (Fabrice Ebou é, Fabrice) and Sophie (Marina Fo ï s, Marina Fo ï s, Marina Fo ï s) are married couples for many years. They jointly operate a small butcher's shop. The business of the butcher shop is not very prosperous. At the same time, they have to endure the"terrorist attacks" of vegetarians from time to time. In addition, the relationship between Vincent and Sophie has long been exhausted by time. Finally, Sophie decided to divorce Vincent. One day, the couple drove on the night road and accidentally killed a man riding a bicycle. Vincent recognized that the man was one of the vegetarians who attacked the butcher's shop earlier, so he took his body back to the butcher's shop for segmentation. However, the next day, Sophie accidentally made ham slices of the split thigh meat and sold them to customers. What Vincent didn't expect was that this delicious ham slice was highly praised by customers. It spread from one to another, and soon there was a long line at the butcher's door.

 《肉罷不能》 繁體簡介

文森特(法布裏斯·厄布埃Fabrice Eboué飾)和蘇菲(瑪琳娜·佛伊絲Marina Foïs飾)是結婚多年的夫妻,兩人共同經營著一家小小的肉店。 肉店的生意並不是十分興隆,與此同時,他們還要忍受素食主義者們時不時來這麼一下子的“恐怖攻击”,再加上文森特和蘇菲之間的感情早已經被時間消磨殆盡,終於,蘇菲决定和文森特離婚。 這一天,夫妻兩人駕車行駛在夜路上,意外的撞死了一名騎自行車的男子,文森特認出了該男子就是早先襲擊肉鋪的那群素食主義者之一,於是將他的屍體帶回了肉店進行分割,哪知道第二天,蘇菲竟然誤打誤撞的將被分割後的大腿肉做成了火腿切片賣給了顧客。 讓文森特沒有想到的是,這异常美味的火腿切片大受顧客的好評,一傳十十傳百,很快肉店門口就排起了長龍。


公元 2021年,由 法布里斯·厄布埃 / Vincent·Solignac 等老师负责剧本编写,法布里斯·厄布埃导演负责制作,玛琳娜·佛伊丝,法布里斯·厄布埃,让-弗朗索瓦·凯雷,Lisa Do Couto Texeira,维尔日妮·奥克,维克多·梅特莱特,Stéphane Soo Mongo,Nicolas Lumbreras,Alexia Chardard,Franck Migeon 等明星实力参演的 喜剧片《肉罢不能》,此影片于2021-10-27(法国)上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

iDC影视于 2022-04-16 16:45:01整理收录此片,并在 2024-04-13 07:19:04再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《肉罢不能》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:肉罢不能肉罢不能在线观看肉罢不能免费观看肉罢不能百度云肉罢不能下载 等。
