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纸扎店小工朱宏利(洪金宝 饰)自小由道士二叔公(林正英 饰)带大,朱宏利道术未习多少,行事偶而颠倒,却有一副正气心肠,因不肯拖累指腹为婚的未婚妻阿云(钟楚红 饰),时常给人家冷脸。朱宏利好友马麟祥(午马 饰)外出闯荡,返乡时却变成了一具尸体,一同回来的还有马麟祥怀孕的妻子跟几个男伴,朱宏利感事有蹊跷,出力调查却一无所获。几日后,马麟祥冤魂找到朱宏利求助,原来马麟祥返乡时并未身亡,只为伙同他人盗取自家祖上的陪葬品而出此下策,却不料假戏成真,被同伙取了性命。心灰意懒的朱宏利拗不过冤魂骚扰,请来二叔公做法帮好友报仇,结果自己丢掉了肉身以至丧命。悲痛欲绝的阿云经二叔公指点,欲与鬼差斗计抢回朱宏利的魂魄……©豆瓣收起


 《Scary》 introduce

Zhu Hongli (Hong Jinbao), a small worker in the paper binding shop, was brought up by the Taoist Second Uncle Gong (Lin Zhengying) from a young age. Zhu Hongli has not learned much about Taoism and occasionally acts upside down, but has a virtuous heart. He often gives others a cold shoulder because he refuses to drag his fianc é e A Yun (Zhong Chuhong) into marriage. Zhu Hongli's best friend, Ma Linxiang (Noon Horse), went out and wandered around, but when he returned home, he turned into a corpse. He also returned with Ma Linxiang's pregnant wife and several male partners. Zhu Hongli had a strange feeling, but made an investigation without finding anything. A few days later, the nemesis of Ma Linxiang sought help from Zhu Hongli. It turned out that Ma Linxiang had not died when he returned to his hometown, and he had only taken this trick to steal the funeral goods from his ancestors with others. However, unexpectedly, the fake drama came true, and his accomplice took his life. The disheartened Zhu Hongli couldn't resist the harassment of his enemies. He invited Second Uncle Gong to avenge his friend, but in the end, he lost his flesh and even died. The heartbroken A Yun, instructed by Second Uncle Gong, wants to fight with the ghost to regain Zhu Hongli's soul

 《人嚇人》 繁體簡介

紙紮店小工朱宏利(洪金寶飾)自小由道士二叔公(林正英飾)帶大,朱宏利道術未習多少,行事偶而顛倒,卻有一副正氣心腸,因不肯拖累指腹為婚的未婚妻阿雲(鐘楚紅飾),時常給人家冷臉。 朱宏利好友馬麟祥(午馬飾)外出闖蕩,返鄉時卻變成了一具屍體,一同回來的還有馬麟祥懷孕的妻子跟幾個男伴,朱宏利感事有蹊蹺,出力調查卻一無所獲。 幾日後,馬麟祥冤魂找到朱宏利求助,原來馬麟祥返鄉時並未身亡,只為夥同他人盜取自家祖上的陪葬品而出此下策,卻不料假戲成真,被同夥取了性命。 心灰意懶的朱宏利拗不過冤魂騷擾,請來二叔公做法幫好友報仇,結果自己丟掉了肉身以至喪命。 悲痛欲絕的阿雲經二叔公指點,欲與鬼差鬥計搶回朱宏利的魂魄……


公元 1982年,由 编剧内详/暂未更新 等老师负责剧本编写,午马导演负责制作,洪金宝,午马,林正英,钟楚红 等明星实力参演的 喜剧片《人吓人》,此影片于上映日期暂未更新上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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