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 《Misleading Army》 introduce

Zhang Jinsheng (Gao Fei), Ma Hui (Lu Huiguang), Wang Biao, and Huo Qiang are sworn friends who rob a jewelry store and go to prison together. When they are about to be released, the four of them argue and fight with another group of prisoners in the prison dining hall. The three of Hui are given a two week extra sentence, and Sheng is released as scheduled. Sheng went to the place where the jewelry was buried to excavate the hidden objects, but the jewelry disappeared. He went to prison and told Hui and others that the three of them firmly believed that Sheng had swallowed the jewelry alone. Sheng had no explanation but to escape. In order to investigate the whereabouts of the jewelry, private detective Lin Yunshi (played by Carina Lau) made an acquaintance with Sheng and left Hong Kong together. After the three of Hui released from prison, they announced that Xun Sheng had fled everywhere, and they investigated with Yun Cheri. They discovered that Hui and Jin Dazhi had conspired to unearth the jewels and set a trap for Sheng, so that Shi Sheng and other brothers fought with Chen and Hui for wisdom and strength

 《扭計雜牌軍》 繁體簡介

張金勝(高飛飾)、馬輝(盧惠光飾)、王彪及霍强為結拜好友,一起打劫珠寶行入獄,行將獲釋時,四人卻在監獄飯堂與另一幫囚犯爭執打鬥,輝三人被加刑兩星期,勝如期出獄。 勝前往埋藏珠寶地挖掘藏物,但珠寶卻不翼而飛,遂前往獄中告訴輝等人,三人一口咬定勝獨吞珠寶,勝無可解釋,唯有逃走。 私家偵探林韻詩(劉嘉玲飾)為了調查珠寶下落,籍故結識勝,並與勝一同離港。 輝三人出獄後告示尋勝,勝四處逃亡,並與韻徹力偵查,發現原來輝與金大枝合謀,早將珠寶掘出,布下圈套嫁禍勝,於是勝與其他兄弟同陳、輝等鬥智鬥力…


公元 1986年,由 编剧内详/暂未更新 等老师负责剧本编写,钱升玮导演负责制作,惠英红,刘嘉玲,火星,霍耀良,楼南光,高飞,朱铁和,雷耀良 等明星实力参演的 动作片《扭计杂牌军》,此影片于1986上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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