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一次交通意外, 一个有才华但不得志的漫画家(梁朝伟 饰)遇上刚要出嫁之女鬼(王祖贤 饰),由此引出一段浪漫感人的人鬼隔世情。小女鬼來到阳间,对世事一无所知,幸遇资深女鬼(叶德娴 饰),二人互诉身世,原來叶夫早丧,因偷会嫁前情人,与子同被浸猪笼而死。小女鬼对漫画家情有独钟,暗中相助使他成为当红漫画家。但小女鬼却日渐虛弱。叶终于等到令其子转世机会,不过交换条件是要将小女鬼抓回阴间,因小女鬼实乃血魔之未婚妻子,叶为自己儿子作人,故不惜出卖小女鬼。漫画家决意闯入阴间与血魔决斗……收起


 《Magic painting emotion》 introduce

In a traffic accident, a talented but unsuccessful cartoonist (Tony Leung) meets his newly married daughter ghost (Wang Zuxian), which leads to a romantic and touching relationship between people and ghosts. The little girl ghost came to the sun and knew nothing about the world. She was lucky to meet a senior female ghost (Ye Dexian). They told each other their story. Ye Fu died early, because she would marry her ex-lover and was immersed in a pig cage with her son. The little girl has a soft spot for cartoonists and secretly helps him become a popular cartoonist. But the little girl is getting weaker and weaker. Ye finally got the chance to reincarnate her son, but in exchange for catching the little girl ghost back to the underworld, because the little girl ghost is actually the unmarried wife of the blood devil, Ye is a man for her own son, so she does not hesitate to betray the little girl ghost. The cartoonist is determined to break into the underworld to fight the blood demons.

 《魔畫情》 繁體簡介

一次交通意外, 一個有才華但不得志的漫畫家(梁朝偉 飾)遇上剛要出嫁之女鬼(王祖賢 飾),由此引出一段浪漫感人的人鬼隔世情。小女鬼來到陽間,對世事一無所知,幸遇資深女鬼(葉德嫻 飾),二人互訴身世,原來葉夫早喪,因偷會嫁前情人,與子同被浸豬籠而死。小女鬼對漫畫家情有獨鐘,暗中相助使他成為當紅漫畫家。但小女鬼卻日漸虛弱。葉終於等到令其子轉世機會,不過交換條件是要將小女鬼抓回陰間,因小女鬼實乃血魔之未婚妻子,葉為自己兒子作人,故不惜出賣小女鬼。漫畫家決意闖入陰間與血魔決鬥……


公元 1990年,由 编剧内详/暂未更新 等老师负责剧本编写,黄泰来导演负责制作,梁朝伟,王祖贤,叶德娴,秦沛,威利 等明星实力参演的 科幻片《魔画情》,此影片于1990-05-26上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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