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毒枭韩山(王伟 饰)和齐仁(刘兆铭 饰)约定在青龙水上乐园进行毒品交易,得到线报的警察暗地潜伏,如果行动成功的话,他们便能够将两大团伙的头目一举拿下。哪知道,就在这个节骨眼上,出现了神秘人物齐越(吕良伟 饰)和秦冰(李赛凤 饰),导致警方的计划暴露,行动失败。韩山认为是齐仁走漏了消息,将他打死。这令齐越发誓一定要为父亲报仇。赵成(吴镇宇 饰)本是韩山的部下,却起了僭越之心,逼迫韩山退位让贤。胡坚和燕虎(陈惠敏 饰)忠心护主,却都落得了惨死的下场。临死前,燕虎将组里的情报告诉了警方,警方派出得力干将唐枫(胡慧中 饰)试图将赵成的黑恶势力捣破。收起


 《Hunting demons and heroes》 introduce

Drug lord Han Shan (Wang Wei) and Qi Ren (Liu Zhaoming) agree to carry out drug trading in Azure Dragon Water Park, and the police who get the tip are secretly lurking. If the operation is successful, they will be able to take down the leaders of the two gangs in one fell swoop. Who knows, at this juncture, the mysterious figures Qi Yue (Lu Liangwei) and Qin Bing (Li Saifeng) appeared, which led to the exposure of the police plan and the failure of the operation. Han Shan thought that Qiren leaked the news and beat him to death. This made Qi Yue swear to avenge his father.Zhao Cheng (Wu Zhenyu is acted the role of) originally is Han Shan's subordinate, but had the illegal heart, forced Han Shan to abdicate. Hu Jian and Yan Hu (Chen Huimin) faithfully protect the Lord, but both end up with a tragic death. Before dying, Yanhu told the police the intelligence in the group, and the police sent a capable general Tang Feng (Hu Huizhong) to try to smash Zhao Cheng's evil forces.

 《獵魔群英》 繁體簡介

毒梟韓山(王偉 飾)和齊仁(劉兆銘 飾)約定在青龍水上樂園進行毒品交易,得到線報的警察暗地潛伏,如果行動成功的話,他們便能夠將兩大團夥的頭目一舉拿下。哪知道,就在這個節骨眼上,出現了神祕人物齊越(呂良偉 飾)和秦冰(李賽鳳 飾),導致警方的計劃暴露,行動失敗。韓山認為是齊仁走漏了消息,將他打死。這令齊越發誓一定要為父親報仇。趙成(吳鎮宇 飾)本是韓山的部下,卻起了僭越之心,逼迫韓山退位讓賢。胡堅和燕虎(陳惠敏 飾)忠心護主,卻都落得了慘死的下場。臨死前,燕虎將組裡的情報告訴了警方,警方派出得力幹將唐楓(胡慧中 飾)試圖將趙成的黑惡勢力搗破。


公元 1989年,由 编剧内详/暂未更新 等老师负责剧本编写,王振仰导演负责制作,胡慧中,李赛凤,万梓良,吕良伟,刘兆铭 等明星实力参演的 动作片《猎魔群英》,此影片于1989-08-10上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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