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继索纳岛恐龙逃往事件过去已有八年,艾伦•格兰特博士(山姆•尼尔 Sam Neill 饰)无论如何也不愿再返回那个鬼地方。虽然发下重誓,但现状不得不让他收回誓言。他的一项史前动物研究陷入资金紧张的窘境。而这时,富有的商人保罗•科比(William H. Macy 饰)及其夫人阿曼达(Téa Leoni 饰)找到艾伦,邀请他作为向导带他们乘飞机前往索纳岛观光。一方面酬劳颇丰,一方面又得知不用着陆小岛,好了伤疤忘了疼的艾伦接受了他们的邀请。然而事情却朝相反的方向发展,他们的飞机最终迫降小岛。至此他才得知,原来科比夫妇来此的目的竟是为了寻找失踪的儿子。与此同时他还发现,经过八年的自然进化,恐龙中最聪明的速龙竟然拥有了自己赖以交流的语言。这一次他的对手不仅凶恶,而且更为狡猾……收起


 《Jurassic Park 3》 introduce

It has been eight years since the Dinosaur Escape of Sona Island, and Dr. Allen Grant (Sam Neill) is not willing to return to that haunted place under any circumstances. Although he made a solemn oath, the current situation forced him to retract it. One of his prehistoric animal research projects was mired in tight funding. At this point, wealthy businessman Paul H. Macy and his wife Amanda (T é a Leoni) approached Allen and invited him to serve as a guide to take them on a flight to Sona Island for sightseeing. On the one hand, the reward was quite generous, and on the other hand, he learned that he did not need to land on the island. Having healed his wounds and forgotten the pain, Allen accepted their invitation.However, things went in the opposite direction, and their plane eventually forced a landing on the island. Only then did he learn that the original purpose of the Kobe Bryant couple was to find their missing son. At the same time, he also discovered that, after eight years of natural evolution, the smartest Velociraptor among dinosaurs actually had a language to communicate with. This time his opponent is not only fierce, but also more cunning

 《侏羅紀公園3》 繁體簡介

繼索納島恐龍逃往事件過去已有八年,艾倫•格蘭特博士(山姆•尼爾Sam Neill飾)無論如何也不願再返回那個鬼地方。 雖然發下重誓,但現狀不得不讓他收回誓言。 他的一項史前動物研究陷入資金緊張的窘境。 而這時,富有的商人保羅•科比(William H. Macy飾)及其夫人艾曼達(Téa Leoni飾)找到艾倫,邀請他作為向導帶他們乘飛機前往索納島觀光。 一方面酬勞頗豐,一方面又得知不用著陸小島,好了傷疤忘了疼的艾倫接受了他們的邀請。然而事情卻朝相反的方向發展,他們的飛機最終迫降小島。 至此他才得知,原來科比夫婦來此的目的竟是為了尋找失蹤的兒子。 與此同時他還發現,經過八年的自然進化,恐龍中最聰明的速龍竟然擁有了自己賴以交流的語言。 這一次他的對手不僅兇惡,而且更為狡猾……


公元 2001年,由 彼得·布奇曼,亚历山大·佩恩,迈克尔·克莱顿,吉姆·泰勒 等老师负责剧本编写,乔·庄斯顿导演负责制作,山姆·尼尔,威廉姆·H·梅西,蒂娅·里欧妮,亚历桑德罗·尼沃拉,特拉沃·摩根,迈克尔·杰特,约翰·迪尔,劳拉·邓恩 等明星实力参演的 科幻片《侏罗纪公园3》,此影片于2001-07-18上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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