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老洪(刘威 饰)是飞虎队的大队长,带着副队长王强(李雪健 饰)和队员彭亮(常戎 饰)一起,几人潜入了正泰国际洋行,暗杀了日本掌柜。岗村是日本特务队的队长,暗杀的消息激怒了他,使得他杀死了数十位无辜的脚夫以泄心头之恨。老洪得知洋行新上任的掌柜山口旅团长正在途中,于是在政委的带领之下将其击毙,之后更杀死了岗村,替惨死的中国人民报仇了雪恨,同时大大打击了敌人嚣张的气焰。新任特务队长松尾人面兽心,他找来了特务秦雄(李幼斌 饰)使出奸计,企图将飞虎队队员一网打尽。不仅如此,松尾还绑架了老洪的妻子芳林嫂(陈小艺 饰),企图利用她彻底将老洪消灭。收起


 《Flying Tigers》 introduce

Lao Hong (Liu Wei) is the captain of the Flying Tiger team. Together with Vice Captain Wang Qiang (Li Xuejian) and member Peng Liang (Chang Rong), several people sneaked into Chint International and assassinated the Japanese shopkeeper. Okamura is the captain of the Japanese Secret Service, and the news of the assassination angered him, causing him to kill dozens of innocent porters to vent his resentment.Lao Hong learned that the newly appointed head of the Shankou Brigade of the Foreign Bank was on his way, so he was killed under the leadership of the political commissar. Later, he even killed Gangcun, avenging the tragic death of the Chinese people, while greatly defeating the arrogance of the enemy. The new spy captain, Matsuo, has an animal's heart and a human face. He has hired spy Qin Xiong (played by Li Youbin) to use treacherous tactics in an attempt to catch all the Flying Tigers. Not only that, Matsuo also kidnapped Lao Hong's wife, Sister Fang Lin (played by Chen Xiaoyi), in an attempt to use her to completely wipe out Lao Hong.

 《飛虎隊》 繁體簡介

老洪(劉威飾)是飛虎隊的大隊長,帶著副隊長王强(李雪健飾)和隊員彭亮(常戎飾)一起,幾人潜入了正泰國際洋行,暗殺了日本掌櫃。 崗村是日本特務隊的隊長,暗殺的消息激怒了他,使得他殺死了數十比特無辜的腳夫以泄心頭之恨。老洪得知洋行新上任的掌櫃山口旅團長正在途中,於是在政委的帶領之下將其擊斃,之後更殺死了崗村,替慘死的中國人民報仇了雪恨,同時大大打擊了敵人囂張的氣焰。 新任特務隊長松尾人面獸心,他找來了特務秦雄(李幼斌飾)使出奸計,企圖將飛虎隊隊員一網打盡。 不僅如此,松尾還綁架了老洪的妻子芳林嫂(陳小藝飾),企圖利用她徹底將老洪消滅。


公元 1995年,由 编剧内详/暂未更新 等老师负责剧本编写,王冀邢导演负责制作,潘长江,李雪健,李幼斌,袁立,张丰毅 等明星实力参演的 战争片《飞虎队》,此影片于1995上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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