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 《Don't put a mental line on it》 introduce

Don't Play the Spiritual Line"is an online manga that has reached 2 billion views in 10 years, and is a popular Naver online manga that has achieved rare click through rates and nearly full marks. Online comics that evoke laughter are loved by readers in the daily stories unfolded by family members who let go of their spirits. Li Zhenhe played Zheng Xin (pronounced"Spirit"), the son of Chief Zheng and a student in the Department of Electronic Physics at Shangde University, in"Don't Release the Spiritual Line". The section chief of Thunder Group Company, the father of Zheng Shen and Zhu Li, loves his wife very much and likes to eat small sausages. He will disguise himself as a beauty blogger and secretly sell things from the company's express delivery. In the company, he is often bullied by his superiors and subordinates, and even robbed by female hooligans on the way. After being blocked and robbed by female hooligans, they still feel uneasy and sad about his cowardly appearance. I accidentally lost Secretary Jin's watch and had to lend him and his wife's precious couple's watch to Secretary Jin for a while, causing his wife to become jealous and crazy. But afterwards, he cried bitterly because he felt sorry for his wife and was jealous. The housewife, the mother of Zheng Shen and Zhu Li, believes that she is surrounded by perfection and is a strong and agile person who can even save words. The decathlon seems to have an unknown past. On the surface, I am not very satisfied with my husband, but I secretly care about him and will make anyone who plays tricks on Chief Zheng pay a painful price. In addition, her personality is suspicious and complex. If there is anything that threatens her perfection, she will be determined to eliminate it and be quick. Only the simple and honest Chief Zheng is her doorstep. Zhu Li's biological brother, a Thunderbolt undergraduate student, and a passionate fan of Bruce Lee, wears Bruce Lee sportswear 365 days a year. He has a natural and simple personality that is easy to fall for, but he has super strong luck to unintentionally avoid any conspiracy. The bad relationship with Alice started with wiping bird droppings on her hands, always getting involved with her to the death. She once mistakenly believed in the Internet recipe and thought that she was impotent, so she pulled her father to practice various"the Nine Yang Manual". Because her personality was so different, Alice didn't notice all her sexual pursuits. Zheng Shen's biological sister. Thunderbolt High School student is an eternal fan of Jiying Shangdao; In order to get the opportunity to have a one day date with Jane Shangdao, she described herself as a sick high school girl. Unfortunately, she had to undergo acute hemorrhoid surgery on the day of the date, so she reluctantly acted for the date. In the end, she fainted at the amusement park and was taken to the hospital. The hemorrhoid incident was also broadcasted on television. Despite having a huge appetite, I couldn't bear my weight gain. I once locked my door and cut off food to lose weight until I went crazy. As a result, my door was smashed and I ran out to eat.

 《別放精神線》 繁體簡介

《別放精神線》是連載10年間點擊率達到20億次的網絡漫畫,是一部獲得罕見點擊率和接近滿分的Naver人氣網絡漫畫。 在“放下精神”的家人展開的日常故事中,通過誘發笑聲的網絡漫畫受到讀者喜愛。 李鎮赫在《別放精神線》中飾演鄭科長的兒子兼尚德大學電子物理系大學生鄭信(發音同“精神”)。 雷電集團公司的科長,鄭神和珠理的爸爸,很愛老婆,喜歡吃小香腸,會假扮成美妝部落客偷偷拿公司的快遞賣東西。 在公司常常被上司和屬下欺負,甚至路上被女流氓攔路搶劫以後女流氓還對他窩囊的樣子感到不忍心、很難過。 曾經不小心弄丟金秘書的錶,只好把自己和老婆珍貴的情侶對錶借給金秘書戴一陣子造成妻子忌妒抓狂。 可是事後卻因為心疼老婆吃醋而痛哭。 家庭主婦,鄭神和珠理的媽媽,認為自己身邊圍繞著完美,是一個為人強悍俐落到連說話都省下來的人,十項全能似乎有不為人知的過去。 表面上對自己老公不太滿意,但是私底下關心著他,並且會讓任何捉弄鄭科長的人付出慘痛的代價。 除此之外個性多疑複雜,要是有任何事物威脅到她的完美,就會狠下心來除之而後快,唯獨單純老實的鄭科長是她的罩門。 珠理的親哥哥,雷電大學的學生,李小龍的狂熱粉絲,一年365天都穿李小龍運動服,性格天然單純容易上當,可是卻有能無意間躲過任何陰謀的超强運氣。 和愛麗絲的孽緣在抹鳥屎在她手上開始,總是好死不死跟她扯上關係。 曾經誤信網路偏方而以為自己陽痿而拉著爸爸練習各種“九陽神功”,由於個性實在太兩光,愛麗絲的種種追愛陽謀都沒注意到。 ​鄭神的親妹妹。 雷電高中學生,是吉英尚道永遠的粉絲; 為了得到與吉英尚道一日約會的機會,將自己描述成生病的女高中生,然而不幸在約會那天需要動急性痔瘡手術,為了約會還是忍痛出演,最後在遊樂園的遊樂設施上暈倒,被送到醫院,痔瘡的事也被電視臺播出。 食量巨大卻成受不了自己體重上升,曾經鎖住自己房門斷食减肥到發瘋,結果房門將砸爛跑出去吃東西。


公元 2020年,由 郑秀贤 等老师负责剧本编写,吴光珍导演负责制作,郑尚勋,李贤怡,李镇赫,李垂珉,孙世彬,红毗罗,权玄彬 等明星实力参演的 韩国剧《别放精神线》,此影片于2020-07-31上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

iDC影视于 2021-12-02 12:59:51整理收录此片,并在 2024-02-29 15:20:05再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《别放精神线》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:别放精神线别放精神线在线观看别放精神线免费观看别放精神线百度云别放精神线下载 等。
