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胡八一等人由于之前探险,身上出现了眼球印记,这印记带着诅咒,会危及众人性命,传闻雮尘珠能解开诅咒,而它曾经作为陪葬品安放在古滇国献王的陵墓中,胡八一等人只能深入瘴疠之地,再探古墓奇险。 胡八一、王胖子、Shirley杨等人穿过遮龙山下古滇国秘密地下水道,不料遭遇千年痋术机关,成千上万个奴隶制成的“痋俑”像炸弹一样倒悬在洞顶。深入丛林之中,更是不断遭遇重重考验,但唯有冲破障碍取得雮尘珠,才能破解众人身上的诅咒…… 终于,在历经层层凶险,众人终于来到献王墓入口,然而更大的挑战也接踵而至… …收起




 《Yunnan Insect Valley》 introduce

Hu Bayi and others had eyeball marks on their bodies due to their previous exploration. This mark carries a curse and will endanger people's lives. It is said that the dust bead can untie the curse. It was once placed as a Grave goods in the tomb of the king of ancient Dian State. Hu Bayi and others can only go deep into the place of malaria and explore the ancient tomb adventure. Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi, Shirley Yang, and others passed through the secret underground waterway of the ancient Dian Kingdom at the foot of the Zhelong Mountain, but unexpectedly encountered a thousand year old pain technique mechanism. The"pain figurines" made of thousands of slaves hung upside down like bombs on the ceiling of the cave. Going deep into the jungle, one constantly encounters numerous challenges, but only by breaking through obstacles and obtaining dust beads can one break the curse on everyoneFinally, after experiencing layers of danger, everyone finally arrived at the entrance of the Xianwang Tomb, but even greater challenges followed

 《雲南蟲穀》 繁體簡介

胡八一等人由於之前探險,身上出現了眼球印記,這印記帶著詛咒,會危及眾人性命,傳聞雮塵珠能解開詛咒,而它曾經作為陪葬品安放在古滇國獻王的陵墓中,胡八一等人只能深入瘴癘之地,再探古墓奇險。 胡八一、王胖子、Shirley楊等人穿過遮龍山下古滇國秘密地下水道,不料遭遇千年痋術機關,成千上萬個奴隸製成的“痋俑”像炸彈一樣倒懸在洞頂。 深入叢林之中,更是不斷遭遇重重考驗,但唯有衝破障礙取得雮塵珠,才能破解眾人身上的詛咒……終於,在歷經層層兇險,眾人終於來到獻王墓入口,然而更大的挑戰也接踵而至……


公元 2018年,由 非行,顾浩然 等老师负责剧本编写,非行导演负责制作,蔡珩,顾璇,于恒,成泰燊,马浴柯,陈雨锶 等明星实力参演的 动作片《云南虫谷》,此影片于2018-12-29上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

iDC影视于 2021-12-01 23:51:19整理收录此片,并在 2024-04-15 13:25:53再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《云南虫谷》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:云南虫谷云南虫谷在线观看云南虫谷免费观看云南虫谷百度云云南虫谷下载 等。
