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西虹市丙级球队大翔队的守门员王多鱼(沈腾 饰)因比赛失利被教练开除,一筹莫展之际王多鱼突然收到神秘人士金老板(张晨光 饰)的邀请,被告知自己竟然是保险大亨王老太爷(李立群 饰)的唯一继承人,遗产高达百亿!但是王老太爷给出了一个非常奇葩的条件,那就是要求王多鱼在一个月内花光十亿,还不能告诉身边人,否则失去继承权。王多鱼毫不犹豫签下了“军令状”,与好友庄强(张一鸣 饰)以及财务夏竹(宋芸桦 饰)一起开启了“挥金之旅”,即将成为西虹市首富的王多鱼,第一次感受到了做富人的快乐,同时也发现想要挥金如土实在没有那么简单!收起




 《The richest man in Xihong City》 introduce

"Wang Duoyu (Shen Teng), the goalkeeper of the Daxiang Team of the Class C team in Xihong City, was expelled by the coach due to a loss in the game. At a loss, Wang Duoyu suddenly received an invitation from the mysterious owner Jin (Zhang Chenguang), and was told that he was actually the only heir to the insurance tycoon Wang Laoye (Li Liqun), with an inheritance of tens of billions!"! However, Old Master Wang has given a very wonderful condition, which is to require Wang Duoyu to spend a billion yuan within a month and not tell the people around him, otherwise he will lose his inheritance rights. Wang Duoyu did not hesitate to sign the"Military Order", and together with his friend Zhuang Qiang (Zhang Yiming) and financial advisor Xia Zhu (Song Yunhua), he embarked on a"golden journey". Wang Duoyu, who is about to become the richest man in Xihong City, experienced the joy of being rich for the first time, but also found that it is not so easy to spend money like dirt!

 《西虹市首富》 繁體簡介

西虹市丙級球隊大翔隊的守門員王多魚(沈騰飾)因比賽失利被教練開除,一籌莫展之際王多魚突然收到神秘人士金老闆(張晨光飾)的邀請,被告知自己竟然是保險大亨王老太爺(李立群飾)的唯一繼承人,遺產高達百億! 但是王老太爺給出了一個非常奇葩的條件,那就是要求王多魚在一個月內花光十億,還不能告訴身邊人,否則失去繼承權。 王多魚毫不猶豫簽下了“軍令狀”,與好友莊强(張一鳴飾)以及財務夏竹(宋芸樺飾)一起開啟了“揮金之旅”,即將成為西虹市首富的王多魚,第一次感受到了做富人的快樂,同時也發現想要揮金如土實在沒有那麼簡單!


公元 2018年,由 闫非,彭大魔,林炳宝 等老师负责剧本编写,闫非,彭大魔导演负责制作,沈腾,宋芸桦,张一鸣,张晨光,常远,魏翔,赵自强,九孔,李立群,王成思,徐冬冬,艾伦,杨皓宇,黄才伦,王力宏,包贝尔,郎咸平,张绍刚,杨文哲,陶亮,王赞,黄杨,刘鉴,杨沅翰,林炳宝,骆佳,陈昊明,臧一人 等明星实力参演的 喜剧片《西虹市首富》,此影片于2018-07-27上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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