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咖喱(张学友 饰)与辣椒(周星驰 饰)从小就是一对好友,后来又一起加入了警队。两人看起来吊儿郎当的,可是他们的工作表现突出,生活上工作上都是彼此的好搭档。 但主播祖儿(柏安妮 饰)的出现让两人的友情遇到了考验。祖儿到警局为咖喱与辣椒做专访,而他们同时爱上了这名美丽的女孩。 即使两人心中都有了芥蒂,工作时候也是心绪不宁。他们无意间破坏了警方正在侦查的毒品案,他们的线人更因为身份暴露而被杀害了。他们都感到十分沮丧,于是两人放下心中芥蒂,再次合力侦破案件……收起


 《Curry pepper》 introduce

Curry (played by Jacky Cheung) and chili (played by Stephen Chow) have been good friends since childhood, and later joined the police force together. The two seem to be fooling around, but their work performance is outstanding, and they are both good partners in life and work. However, the appearance of anchor Zu'er (played by Bai Annie) has put their friendship to a test. Zu'er went to the police station to do an interview for curry and pepper, and they fell in love with this beautiful girl at the same time. Even if both people have a grudge in their hearts, they are still in a state of restlessness at work. They inadvertently sabotaged the drug case being investigated by the police, and their informant was even killed due to identity disclosure."They both felt very frustrated, so the two of them put down their grudges and worked together to solve the case again..."

 《咖喱辣椒》 繁體簡介

咖喱(張學友飾)與辣椒(周星馳飾)從小就是一對好友,後來又一起加入了警隊。 兩人看起來吊兒郎當的,可是他們的工作表現突出,生活上工作上都是彼此的好搭檔。 但主播祖兒(柏安妮飾)的出現讓兩人的友情遇到了考驗。 祖兒到警局為咖喱與辣椒做專訪,而他們同時愛上了這名美麗的女孩。 即使兩人心中都有了芥蒂,工作時候也是心緒不寧。 他們無意間破壞了警方正在偵查的毒品案,他們的線人更因為身份暴露而被殺害了。 他們都感到十分沮喪,於是兩人放下心中芥蒂,再次合力偵破案件……


公元 1990年,由 阮世生 等老师负责剧本编写,柯受良导演负责制作,周星驰,张学友,柏安妮,曾志伟,柯受良,冯元炽,丁家强,程守一 等明星实力参演的 喜剧片《咖喱辣椒》,此影片于1990-05-24上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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