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过气香港拳王程辉(张家辉 饰),在拳坛没落后,沉迷赌博,负债累累,为躲避追债人,逃亡澳门。在合租房中,程辉遇到了一对母女,这名母亲(梅婷 饰),患有精神病,小女孩(李馨巧 饰)不但要上学还要照顾妈妈。程辉和小女孩很投缘,两人时常扮成小动物,排演小品,逗小女孩的妈妈开心。 与此同时,富二代林思齐(彭于晏 饰)遭遇家庭变故,他的父亲(高捷 饰)生意失败,变得一无所有,整日在酒吧糜烂。为了鼓励落魄的父亲重新开始生活,林思齐报名参加了MMA。为此,他在一家拳击俱乐部报名,在这里,他认识了正在俱乐部打工的程辉,并拜他为师,学习拳击。 经过几个月学习,林思齐在MMA中连胜几场,成为新拳王。随即,又遭遇了另一位高手(安志杰 饰)的挑战,林思齐负伤退赛。同时,追债人找到程辉,打斗中,不小心伤害了梅婷母女。为此,程辉深感内疚,不想再连累别人,便开始重新训练综合格斗技能,希望在MMA中赢得比赛,得到奖金偿还赌债。 在MMA中,程辉以四十多岁的高龄挑战拳击,不被人看好。而他遭遇的对手,正是打败徒弟林思齐的新拳王安志杰……收起


 《fierce fighting》 introduce

Cheng Hui, a past Hong Kong boxing champion (played by Zhang Jiahui), has not lagged behind in the boxing world, is addicted to gambling, and is heavily in debt. In order to avoid debt collectors, he fled to Macao. In the shared room, Cheng Hui meets a mother and daughter. The mother (Mei Ting) is mentally ill, and the little girl (Li Xinqiao) not only has to go to school but also takes care of her mother. Cheng Hui and the little girl are very congenial. They often dress up as small animals and rehearse sketches to amuse the little girl's mother.At the same time, Lin Siqi (Peng Yuyan), the second generation of the wealthy, suffered family upheavals, and his father (Gao Jie) failed in his business, becoming destitute and rotting in bars all day. In order to encourage his fallen father to start his life again, Lin Siqi signed up for the MMA. To this end, he signed up for a boxing club, where he met Cheng Hui, who was working in the club, and worshipped him as a teacher to learn boxing.After several months of study, Lin Siqi won several consecutive games in the MMA and became the new boxing champion. Immediately, another expert (played by An Zhijie) challenged Lin Siqi, who was injured and withdrew from the competition. At the same time, the debt collector found Cheng Hui and accidentally injured Mei Ting's mother and daughter in a fight. For this reason, Cheng Hui felt guilty and didn't want to implicate others anymore. He began to retrain his comprehensive combat skills, hoping to win the MMA competition and receive a bonus to repay his gambling debts.In the MMA, Cheng Hui challenges boxing at the age of over forty, and is not viewed favourably. The opponent he encountered was the new boxing champion An Zhijie who defeated his apprentice Lin Siqi

 《激戰》 繁體簡介

過氣香港拳王程輝(張家輝飾),在拳壇沒落後,沉迷賭博,負債累累,為躲避追債人,逃亡澳門。 在合租房中,程輝遇到了一對母女,這名母親(梅婷飾),患有精神病,小女孩(李馨巧飾)不但要上學還要照顧媽媽。 程輝和小女孩很投緣,兩人時常扮成小動物,排演短劇,逗小女孩的媽媽開心。與此同時,富二代林思齊(彭于晏飾)遭遇家庭變故,他的父親(高捷飾)生意失敗,變得一無所有,整日在酒吧糜爛。 為了鼓勵落魄的父親重新開始生活,林思齊報名參加了MMA。 為此,他在一家拳擊俱樂部報名,在這裡,他認識了正在俱樂部打工的程輝,並拜他為師,學習拳擊。經過幾個月學習,林思齊在MMA中連勝幾場,成為新拳王。 隨即,又遭遇了另一比特高手(安志傑飾)的挑戰,林思齊負傷退賽。 同時,追債人找到程輝,打鬥中,不小心傷害了梅婷母女。 為此,程輝深感內疚,不想再連累別人,便開始重新訓練綜合格鬥技能,希望在MMA中贏得比賽,得到獎金償還賭債。在MMA中,程輝以四十多歲的高齡挑戰拳擊,不被人看好。 而他遭遇的對手,正是打敗徒弟林思齊的新拳王安志傑……


公元 2013年,由 吴炜伦,冯志丰,林超贤,梁凤英 等老师负责剧本编写,林超贤导演负责制作,张家辉,彭于晏,李馨巧,梅婷,李菲儿,安志杰,高捷,姜皓文,刘畊宏,王宝强 等明星实力参演的 动作片《激战》,此影片于2013-08-16上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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