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 《Thai version of the stars herding sheep》 introduce

To take the blame for her lover, the female fraudster Sing, who was just released on parole, found that his lover was married to another woman, while James, the second young master of E-shine, made a scene at his brother's wedding because his old lover was about to become his sister-in-law. The two met because of James's mother's relic"Queen Mary" and came to the simple and warm place of tomorrow. Two people abandoned by love put down the estrangement of identity and get along with each other attentively. Sing likes to design jewelry, but he can only make a living on counterfeit jewelry. In order to realize her dream, James took part in a life-betting car race, but in a defeat, she was seriously injured by the underworld boss who lost her right hand.Sing couldn't bear to drag James down and accepted James's check to leave. James's brother, Joker, couldn't bear to break them up, but he died in a car accident on the way back with Sing. From then on, James blocked his emotions, suddenly changed his temperament, held hatred for Sing, redoubled his work, and became a cold-blooded businessman.Five years later, because of striving for endorsements, James and Sing meet again and can no longer trust each other's grievances, but because of the original bracelet"Summer Star", they are still tightly tied together and fall in love with each other again, but they can only wrap their hearts with lies.

 《泰版放羊的星星》 繁體簡介

替愛人頂罪剛被假釋出獄的女詐欺犯Sing發現愛人竟與別的女子結婚,而E-shine的二少爺James因為舊情人即將成為自己的嫂子而將哥哥的婚禮大鬧一場,落魄的兩人因James母親的遺物“Queen Mary”相遇了,來到簡樸溫馨的明日鄉。兩個被愛情拋棄的人放下身分的隔閡,用心去相處。Sing喜歡設計珠寶,卻只能靠仿冒飾品維生。James為圓她的夢想,參加了賭命賽車,卻在一次敗北當中被黑道老大廢了右手,身負重傷。Sing不忍拖累James,忍痛接受了James的支票離開。James的哥哥Joker不忍拆散兩人,卻在載Sing回來的路上出車禍身亡。James自此封鎖情感,性情驟變,抱著對Sing的仇恨,加倍工作,變成冷血無情的商人。五年後,因爭取代言,James與Sing再度相逢,再也不能信任彼此的怨偶,卻因為當初定情的一條手鏈“Summer Star”,仍然被緊緊地牽繫在一起,再度愛上彼此的兩人,卻只能用謊言不斷包裝自己的真心……


公元 2023年,由 编剧内详/暂未更新 等老师负责剧本编写,内详导演负责制作,塔那帕特·卡维拉,安嘉莎·蒙坤莎麦,苏珊娜·雷诺,尤拉南·帕莫蒙迪,戈辛·拉查克罗姆,托侬·滃布恩,彭帕克·西里古尔,杰克里特·阿玛纳特,素塔缇·乌缇彩帕蒂,吉拉瓦·瓦吉纳萨兰帕,康姆克里特·杜昂苏万,肖邦·努钦特拉,Arnuttaphol Sirichomsaeng,Draft Eugene Siu,Warapun Nguitragool,Ratchapong Thivathanaset 等明星实力参演的 东南亚《泰版放羊的星星》,此影片于2023-04-19(泰国)上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

iDC影视于 2023-04-19 18:40:02整理收录此片,并在 2024-04-13 04:44:27再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《泰版放羊的星星》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:泰版放羊的星星泰版放羊的星星在线观看泰版放羊的星星免费观看泰版放羊的星星百度云泰版放羊的星星下载 等。
