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 《Eliminating Evil: The Flying Car Party》 introduce

Adapted from the heroic deeds of the Foshan Criminal Police Eighth Brigade in cracking down on"two robberies and one theft". The Eighth Criminal Police Team of Foshan City is the first professional team established in China to crack down on street robbery and robbery. This team has played a key role in reversing the situation of frequent"robbery and robbery" cases. From 2004 to 2010, more than 30000 suspect of various types were captured, which is known as the"Iron Riding Eagle" by citizens. The devil is one foot tall, the way is one foot tall! Faced with extremely vicious and cunning evil gangs, the Eight Major Teams have deployed precise special strike operations, fearing no danger to their lives and engaging in life and death battles. The movie will highly recreate and showcase the thrilling and thrilling scene of police officers driving motorcycles to chase after criminals, and engaging in close combat with criminals holding knives and guns. It will tell the story of blood and evil from the complete stages of tracking, evidence collection, and pursuit, and praise the heroic blood and positive energy of the Foshan Public Security Criminal Police Eight Brigade in safeguarding safety. In the process of handling cases, we often encounter various difficulties, and even face the possibility of injury or sacrifice every day, but no one has ever retreated. This is precisely the manifestation of selflessness, fearlessness, and willingness to contribute in recent years, when the national public security organs have established the Party as the public and the police as the public.

 《除惡:飛車黨》 繁體簡介

改編取材於佛山刑警八大隊打擊“兩搶一盜”英雄事蹟。 佛山市刑警八大隊是國內成立的第一支打擊街面“兩搶”犯罪的專業隊伍,這支隊伍對於扭轉“兩搶”案件多發的形勢起到關鍵作用,2004年—2010年共抓獲各類違法犯罪嫌疑人3萬多名,被市民稱為“鐵騎神鷹”。 魔高一尺道高一丈! 面對窮凶極惡、萬分狡猾的惡勢力團夥,八大隊精密部署開展專項打擊行動,他們不懼生命危險與之生死較量、浴血搏鬥。 電影將高度還原、精彩呈現幹警駕駛摩托飛車追凶,與手持刀槍的犯罪分子貼身肉搏等驚險刺激的高燃橋段,從跟踪、取證、追捕等完整環節講述熱血除惡故事,傳頌佛山警察刑警八大隊的英勇熱血、守護平安的正能量。 在辦案過程中經常遇到種種困難,甚至每天都面臨著受傷乃至犧牲的可能,但沒有一個人退縮過。 這正是近年來,全國公安機關立黨為公,立警為公,踐行無私無畏、甘於奉獻的表現。


公元 2023年,由 汤淼 等老师负责剧本编写,李伟导演负责制作,刘俊孝,邹兆龙,汤镇业,骆达华,荣飞,何昕霖,代庭睿,齐超,伍国宝 等明星实力参演的 动作片《除恶:飞车党》,此影片于2023-03-10上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!iDC影视祝您观影愉快!

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